Tags: academic policies committee, breadth of knowledge requirement, chancellor alan guskin, committee of principals, parking, protests, school of modern industry, segregated university fee allocation committee (SUFAC), vets club
Tags: athletics, campus concerns committee, chess club, child care center, parkside players, parkside student government association (PSGA), Student Activities, student health, vets club
Tags: minorities, vets club, women
Tags: parkside student government association (PSGA), teaching excellence, vets club, william murin
Tags: associate dean jewel echelbarger, board of regents, bus service, chancellor irvin g. wyllie, division of humanities, education division, engineering science division, graduate programs, marion mochon, orpheus johnson, science division, social science division, student services, veterans, vets club
atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2