Tags: foreign languages, phillip burnett, richard keehn, university committee
Tags: chancellor alan guskin, committee of principals, faculty senate, university committee
Tags: chancellor alan guskin, college of science and society, committee of principals, dean eugene norwood, school of modern industry, university committee, university structure
Tags: breadth of knowledge requirement, parkside health office, university committee
Tags: academic staff, chancellor alan guskin, committee representation, james shea, university committee
Tags: faculty compensation study committee, james shea, standard of living, university committee, uw faculty, wages
Tags: board of regents, faculty senate, parkside faculty, university committee, uw-system, wisconsin legislature
Tags: academic staff committee, chancellor sheila kaplan, child care center, community, dean of students, educational services reorganization plan, health center, student development, student life, university committee
Tags: carol lee saffioti, environmental concerns committee (ECC), environmental protection agency (EPA), gary goetz, hazardous waste, occupational safety and health administration (OSHA), university committee, ventilation system
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