Tags: alfred s. desimone, carol-lee safiotti, commencement, distinguished alumnus award, distinguished service award, distinguished teaching award, e. john graham, edith finlayson, golden fleece of the month award, graduation, harvard university, james shea, mary shutler, parkside alumni association, parkside foundation, rhoda-gale pollack, robert byrd, timothy fossum, william proxmire, yale university
Tags: capitalism, continuing education office, foreign policy, unemployment, US catholic bishop's letter
Tags: faculty senate, gary goetz, stabbing
Tags: hannelore rader, homecoming, homecoming queen, james shea, junior varsity soccer team, soccer
Tags: archbishop rembert weakland, ken hoover, military spending, new york times, parkside office of continuing education, poverty
Tags: african national congress, anti-apartheid, apartheid, free south africa coalition, nelson mandella, reagan administration, south africa, state investment board, vel phillips, white house
Tags: catholic church, economics, milwaukee journal, moral economics, office of continuing education, rembert weakland, time magazine
Tags: admissions, Stuart Rubner, student counseling and development
Tags: jack dudley, john kreger, maintenance, malfunctions
Tags: activist workshop, grass roots organizing workshops (GROW), segregated fees, student funds, student organization council (SOC)
atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2