The Parkside Ranger, Volume 11, issue 7, October 21, 1982
Item Information
The Parkside Ranger, Volume 11, issue 7, October 21, 1982
Student newspaper of the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, Wis.
College student newspapers and periodicals
Student publications
University of Wisconsin-Parkside--Newspapers
Kenosha, Wisconsin
The Board of Regents of the University Wisconsin System
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
The Parkside Ranger, Volume 11, issue 7, October 21, 1982
Student newspaper of the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, Wis.
College student newspapers and periodicals
Student publications
University of Wisconsin-Parkside--Newspapers
Kenosha, Wisconsin
The Board of Regents of the University Wisconsin System
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Item Information
Original Format
University of Wisconsin - Parkside
Thursday, October 21, 1982
P.S.GA. Senate passes proposals and guidelines
by Pat Hensiak
Three new programs were
approved by the PSGA, Inc.
Senate at their last meeting. The
development of the Parkside
Union Advisory Board, the New
Student Organization Council by -
laws, and the new Student Legal
The Parkside Union Advisory
Board shall be so in the formulation,
implementation, and
review of the Parkside Union's
policy. It will seek to promote the
Parkside Union's role in the
campus and community activities
and services. At the same time, it
will seek to fulfill the educational
goals of the University through
the cooperation of various
elements within the University
and community.
The responsibilities would include
reviewing policy and advising
in the areas of B uilding use
(who, when, where);- Prices;
Present Service; Food Service;
Facilities; Building Services;
Public Relations; Special
Promotions. At the beginning of
each semester, PUAB shall
review and discuss the plans
related to the use of Union
Facilities. PAB functions in the
Union, but is not a function of t he
All recommendations of the
PUAB will be sent to the Dean of
Student Life for consideration. In
the case of a conflict between the
PUAB, the issue will be reconsidered
by the PUAB and upon a
2/3 vote of the entire PUAB a
decision will be sent back to the
Dean of Student Life. If a conflict
persists, the issue will be sent to
the Chancellor, or his / her
designee to mediate the decision
and decide it. The Chancellor's
designee cannot be the Administrator
of the Union or any of
the Union's Administrative staff.
The PUAB will be composed of
12 members, 9 voting and 3 non -
voting. The voting members will
consist of 1 person elected from
the PSGA Senate, 1 person elected
from GSOC, 1 person elected from
Ranger, 1 person elected by PAB,
1 person elected by Peer Support,
1 person elected from the Alumni
Association, 1 seat held by a
faculty member selected by the
Chancellor in consultation with
the University Committee, and 2
student at large seats, one is to be
elected in the Spring election and
the other to be elected in the Fall
The non - voting members will
consist of the Dean of Student
Life, or his / her designee; the
Director of t he Union, or his / her
designee; and the Student Activities
Coordinator or his / her
During the meeting, Jim
Kreuser, President of P.S.G.A.,
Inc., said, "This will give the
director of the Union a chance to
hear student input, which I'm sure
he wants to hear. It's our money
going into it. I feel it's a good
committee, it needs to be formed.
I'm sure it will turn out to be a
very important committee as far
as Student Life goes on policy
made concerning the Union."
Approved also at the meeting
were the new SOC Guidelines. The
guidelines were developed by a
group of concerned students to.
clarify questioned issues within
rules and by - laws of SOC an d B.
and R.C. previous to Nov. 15 shall
be null and void.
Carla Thomas, Vice - Chair of
SOC, made these comments about
the new by - laws: "They are a
very solid foundation to build SOC
into the organization it's meant to
P.S.G.A. Senate meeting.
Photo by Masood Shafiq
SOC. Through these new by - laws,
the qualifications for SOC
membership, the Chair responsibilities,
the Vice - Chair
responsibilities, the duties of the
Executive Board, the duties of the
Secretary, the composition of
Budget and Review, and the
process of removal from office
has all been clarified.
These rules will be implemented
on November 15, 1982, and all
be. I am extremely pleased with
them, and I'd like to thank all of
the Senators, SOC members, and
students who worked so hard to
revise and complete them.
They've done an excellent job."
The proposal for the PSGA, Inc.
Student Legal Service was also
given approval by the Senate. The
purpose of this new service will be
to assist students in identifying
and resolving their legal problems
so they can make the most of their
educational opportunities. If a
legal problem threatens to interfere
with a student's effectiveness
on campus, the
student legal service will do what
they can to resolve or minimize
the problem.
An attorney will be available to
render legal and referral services
to all students who pay the student
services fee. If the type of
problem a student has exceeds the
scope of the service, additional
services may be arranged for, at
the student's expense, through the
attorneys in the community.
It is the goal of this service that
direct delivery of legal services
will not only remove or resolve
student's concerns, but will also
act as an educational experience
in familiarizing students with the
legal rights to which they are
entitled and the responsibilities
for which they, as citizens, are
held accountable.
"Needless to say," commented
Phil Pogreba, President Pro
Tempore of the Senate, "I'm very
elated that the Senate passed this.
Although I knew it had a good
chance of going through. The
passing of it marks the end of a lot
of hard work, but at the same
time, it marks the beginning of a
whole new era of work. We now
have to get administrative input
and then we'll finish up the bidding
process, go through interviews,
get the committee set
up, and implement the service,
hopefully by the end of this
Socialists look to reassert themselves here
by Jennie Tunieicz
and Bob Kiesling
Despite the fact that the
Wisconsin branch of the Socialist
Democratic party currently has
only 70 "card carrying" members
and about 2,000 fellow travelers,
James Ingbretson, head of the
party in Wisconsin believes the
time is right for the movement to
reassert itself politically.
Ingbretson said that the party
does not intend to have any
candidates in the 1984 e lections,
but that the party should be able to
offer a state ticket in 1986.
"In '86, I would like to see a
Socialist Democratic candidate
for governor, lieutenant governor,
treasurer, attorney general and
secretary of state. Meetings such
as what we've done here today are
the beginnings of building a base
for that," he said.
The meeting here Saturday was
the first in a number of meetings
in the Racine / Kenosha area to
reestablish the party. Ingbretson
said that he would like to see
separate local organizations set
up in the two towns, but
"would not mind a joint
Former Milwaukee mayor
Frank Zeidler spoke of the "high
human cost of capitalism" when
he outlined his party's platform.
He listed some of the socialist's
achievements that, he said, have
since been adopted by the major
He said the Socialist Democrats
were leaders in the field of
unemployment compensation,
much occupational safety and
health legislation, and reform in
the areas of social welfare.
"The idea of socialism is that
people working together
cooperatively can produce more
for the good of society than
everyone acting on an individual
basis to promote their own self -
interest," said Zeidler.
He also spoke of t he importance
of the party having specific
political goals, rather than
becoming lost in their own
ideology, as has happened in the
past. At present, the Socialist
Democratic party's goal in Racine
and Kenosha Counties is to set up
locals which would act as
clearinghouses of information.
Also stressed was the importance
of speaking out on local
issues. Ingbretson said that if the
Socialist Democratic Party
makes its opinions known to the
community, the party will begin to
be viewed as a viable political
alternative. He also stressed the
importance of factual reporting
by the media.
Ingbretson said the Socialist
Democratic Party, was very
interested in attracting new
members, but made it clear that
any socialist movement must be a
community effort.
"When you join the party," he
asid, "we expect that you will
support it, not necessarily
financially, but that you will come
to our meetings and contribute
intellectually to our movement."
"For example," he added, "if 1
was running for some statewidt
office, the people of Racine and
Kenosha locals would support mj
candidacy and circulate petitions
to get me on the ballot, or woulc
work on my behalf to build £
presence for the campaign."
"We do assume that when yoi
join the movement, you do it witl
the commitment to support it,'
Ingbretson said.
Fall Blood Drive
The Blood Center of
Southeastern Wisconsin will hold
the Parkside Fall Blood Drive
Tuesday, Nov. 2, from 9a.m. -3:30
p.m. in Union 104. This is a walk -
in blood drive — appointments are
not necessary.
College donors are extremely
important to the Blood Center.
Approximately 400 pints of blood
must be collected every day in
order to keep the supply in
Southeastern Wisconsin at
adequate levels. About 80 percent
of these units come from mobile
blood drives, such as the one at
Parkside. The other 20 percent
comes from donors who go to The
Blood Center's Driving Stations in
Milwaukee, Waukesha, Racine
and Kenosha.
The Fall Blood Drive is sponsored
by the Student Health
Center and the Life Science Club.
Photo by Masood Shafiq
Currently, the Socialist
Democratic party is generally
trying to redistribute the nation's
wealth among the working class,
one of their central tenets.
Specifically, the party advocates
employment by the government
when private industry fails to
provide jobs, more emphasis on
social services spending, rather
than spending by the military, and
a centralized health care system.
The party sees a nuclear freeze
and environmental protection as
important issues as well.
Speaking of the administration's
efforts to shift the
nation's workforce into higher
technology fields, Ingbretson said,
"reeducation of the workers won't
have any effect."
Women's Resource Day
Women's Resource Day has
been set aside to inform
students of the various
organizations and services
available to them in the
community as well as on
campus. The day's goal is to
help students find out who to go
to if they are in need of a
service. The program will
convene at 1 p.m. and last until
3 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 27.
Within the two hours, students
will be able to stop, ask
questions and gain information
from the representatives of
The organizations planning
to attend are: Alumni and
Placement, American Cancer
Society, Child Care Center,
Community Student Services,
Health Center, Peer Support -
Students Helping Students,
Adult Crisis Center, Alcohol
and Drug Center, Bread and
Roses, Family Planning of
Racine, Family Services of
Racine, Kenoshans Against
Sexual Assault, Life Right of
Kenosha, Manpower Temp.
Service, Planned Parenthood
of Kenosha, Women's Horizons
of Kenosha, Women's
Resource Center of Racine,
Youth and Family Services,
WIC and YWCA. Take some
time to stop and talk on the
2 Thursday, October 21,1982 RANGER
Make them pay
The United States government finally seems to be doing something
about all those people who have failed to repay their college loans. Many
students have a problem obtaining a government student loan, simply
because there is very little left in the pot to dish out due to the fact that
many people have neglected to repay their loans.
The people who have received loans in the past have an obligation to
pay back what was once given them. Many of them wouldn't be in their
present positions if they had not been given loans when they were in
school. By abusing the privilege of a college loan, it is only made more
difficult for the present college students to fight through today's loan
Maybe by threatening these people with lawsuits, or reclaiming their
cars, an example can be set to make others fulfill their obligation to
repay their loans. Education Secretary Terrel Bell said his department
will start to dock the pay of employees who have failed to repay student
loans. The crackdown at hand is overdue, and certainly necessary.
When it comes time for the people presently receiving loans to pay
them back, maybe it won't be such a chore for the government to
receive what is rightly theirs to loan out again.
Letters to the editor
To the Editor:
On September 30,1982, Congress
renewed the Endangered Species
Act for three more years. They
appropriated $38 million dollars
for the act, which was renewed
one day earlier than expected.
The wishes of the people have
presided once again, for the
Reagan administration had only
wanted to renew the act for one
Parkside students contributed
to the renewal of the Endangered
Species Act by signing petitions
supporting the legislation. Thanks
to Jim Kreuser, Phil Pogreba, and
other members of PSGA, those
petitions were printed and
distributed around Parkside and
other United Council campuses in
the University of Wisconsin
system. A special thank you
should go to Pat Hensiak, editor of
Parkside's Ranger, for handling
the mailing of the petitions. And of
course, all the people who cared
enough to sign the petition must be
included in another big THANK
C.B. and the animals
Kovalic criticized
To the Editor:
Sexism has struck the Ranger in
the form of the poisonous pen of
John Kovalic. This person in his
satire on "Life at Ranger Hall"
has asked this question:
"How long does it take for the
first female to shack up on the
male floor?"
In asking this question he is
placing women in the role of sex
objects and expressing his own
His question is not only sexist,
distasteful and insulting, it is also
anti - humanist. His remark is an
insult, not only to the women of
this campus, but to the men also.
His crass reference to personal
relationships may reflect his own
biases, but I doubt that the
majority of the students at
Parkside have such a synical
attitude toward their own
Since sexism and racism are
usually two sides of the same coin,
I have to wonder whether or not
his next 'satire' will spew forth
this poison as well. In a time when
many people are expending a
great deal of energy trying to
work out such difficulties as
human inequality, Kovalic's
question seems totally repugnant.
His attitude is degrading to
himself as well as o thers.
I can only suggest Kovalic give
up his diet of beer and tortilla
chips, confine himself to bread
and water and then return, pen in
hand, to whatever rock he crawled
out from under.
M.E. Marten
Writer's reply
John Kovalic replies:
I am sorry that one comment of
my last article, labeled, by the
way, as SATIRE, was taken so
very seriously. However, I must
state my repugnance as being
labeled both a sexist and, for some
unknown reason, a racist. I was
extremely surprised, to say the
least, that someone could assume
so much on the basis of one
humorous comment, and then act
as judge and jury in condemning
me as an anti - humanist.
Maybe I could reply that Ms.
Martin is perhaps an anti -
humorist? But I will not sink to
her level of mud - slin ging, and I
shall assume that the above letter
was written in the heat of the
If Ms. Martin had ever lived in a
dorm, she should have been able
to have seen the humor in the
article. Incidently, both female
and male residents of the YMCA
told me they thought the article
was both well presented and very
Probably the one accurate fact
in the leter is that I am an egotist.
Anybody has to be to have work
published. However, to brand me
as sexist, anti - humanist and
racist, and then to stoop to such a
personal, immature and almost
infantile level of attack just
makes me wonder if she is
perhaps as biased as those she
purports to fight.
In conclusion, next time you
read an article of mine, Ms.
Martin, I suggest you think about
it, get your facts right, then try to
appreciate it in the light of how it
was written.
(Also try to get my name
correct, please.)
John Kovalic
in government..
Editor's notes
There's a lot here
by Pat Hensiak
The ball seems to be rolling
rather smoothly through the
semester. There hasn't been a
war, and people seem to be trying
to get along. P.S.G.A. has been
working quite diligently on
passing what is necessary, and
making the school a more functional
place for those who frequent
it. They passed two proposals, and
one new set of guidelines this past
week. Of course, that doesn't
mean that the proposals or the
guidelines are totally functional,
but at least it's a start. They seem
to be moving in a positive
People are doing new things.
Bruce Preston has just started his
new column. This week he
features a woman he just met, and
relates her personal experiences
to the labels we often put on
people. I'm sure Bruce will introduce
a lot of interesting people
through his columns. People who
have something to offer without
really knowing it.
The soccer team hasn't been
doing anything new this week,
they're still winning. They locked
out Northland this past week 9-0.
The soccer team is still nationally
ranked, in the top 10.
The Socialist Democratic Party
has been making an attempt to
start a chapter here on campus,
story on page 1. If you're interested
in the Socialist
Democratic party — get involved.
People are having a bit of a
problem with John Kovalic's
writing. He is most certainly a
satirical writer. More than not, his
articles are fiction, with the intention
of trying to find some bit of
humor in a particular subject.
John does an article this week
on the famous "Dartman." For
over a year I knew this man only
as "Dartman." It came to me in a
dream one night, that his parents
couldn't have possibly named him
that. As the editor of this paper I
realized that Dartman must have
another name. A real name. And
he does.
Don't forget about the Women's
Resource Day, Wednesday Oct.
27! A lot of organizations will be
present at this event to help
students realize all that is
available to help them in a time of
need. From 1 until 3 p.m. on the
27th, students will have the opportunity
to learn more about all
of these organizations.
On Monday night, the
Netherlands Chamber Orchestra
appeared at Parkside for a one
time only performance. For those
who were fortunate enough to see
it, it was the opportunity of a
lifetime. The exactness and
perfection that the group offered
was incredible. There was more to
it than just the perfect sound
though. It was as if the orchestra
really enjoyed what they had tr
offer. Even if he t audience had not
enjoyed the performance, the
people doing the performing were
having a good time; they really
liked what they were doing. It
made a big difference. Maybe
that's the nice part about live
performance. The audience can
really feel the emotion that goes
into it.
To be honest, who would have
ever thought that such an excellent
show could be put on here,
at our very own Parkside??? Who
would have thought a group
known internationally for its
grand performance would have
made a stopover for a Parkside
performance? Throughout the
intermission, people in the crowd
and around my seat talked about
the wide variety of things
Parkside offers. From sports to
fine arts, from on - campus
student organizations to a broad
build of community events.
The biggest problem is arousing
the interest of the people who
attend Parkside daily. They seem
to be the hardest to please. Never
quite satisfied with what this
University offers. It really does
offer a lot, but people have to look
for it. They have to discover their
interests. Finding interests is part
of the whole experience. Maybe
find a friend to share the interests
with. Go ahead — find a rief nd and
an interest, and learn all about the
things Parkside has to offer.
Ranger accepting
stories, poems
Are you a creative person? Do
you like to write? Is your life
illuminated through the reading
and writing of poetry and prose?
Can you spell your name? If so,
then bring your short stories and
poetry to the Ranger office. We
just might print what you write.
Yes, that's right. In this very
Feature Section we plan to publish
short stories and poetry by
Parkside students every couple of
weeks. All we need are the stories
and poems from you. The
guidelines for submissions follow:
1) All submissions should be
typed, double - spaced. (They
don't have to be, but it would be
2) All submissions should include
your name and phone
number. We don't have to print
your name with your story, but we
Continued On Page Three
Regents approve tuition hike
The University of Wisconsin
Board of Regents approved a
budget proposal Oct. 8 calling for
tuition hikes of up to $95 in the next
two years for resident undergraduate
The budget proposal must still
be approved by the state
Department of Administration
and the legislature.
The proposal, submitted by the
U.S. system administration, calls
for a tuition increase of $50 - 60 for
1983-84 and $30 - 35 fo r 1984-85 in
resident undergraduate tuition.
Some of the Regents expressed
concern with the traditional
student contribution of 25 perce nt
of the university budget. The
precedent was affected in 1980,
when the state's fiscal condition
prompted students to pay a surcharge.
This year students contribute
27.3 percent of the
university budget, and the 1983-85
budget request calls for a 27
percent contribution by students.
"The reduction of tuition levels
from 27.3 percent to 27 percent is
certainly a step in the right
direction," remarked Scott
Bentley, president of the United
Council of U.W. Student Governments.
"But this is a very small
step. At this rate, assuming tuition
levels were reduced by .3 percent
each biennium, the University will
have returned to the 25 pe rcent
level by 1995."
Pat Hensiak
Bob Kiesling
Tony Rogers
Tori Murray
Masood Shafiq
Norm Couture
Andy Buchanan
Mike Farreli
Jeff Wicks
Jolene Torkilsen
News Editor
Feature Editor
Sports Editor
Photo Editor
Copy Editor
Business Manager
Ad Manager
Distribution Manager
Assistant Business Manager
' Caro1 Bwns, Pat Cumbie, Dan Dowhower,
Cliff Flowers, Michael Kailas, Stephen Kalmar II, Carol
Kortendick, John Kovalic, Rick Luehr, Robb Luehr, Laura
Petersen, Jennie Tunkieicz.
parkside and they are
RANGERfsDHn^bv^ u
he academic vear except during breaks and holidays,
Written^oe mTssT^i^Inni^l°.
n Coopera,ive Polishing Co., Kenosha, Wisconsin, vvrnien permission is required for reprint of anv oortion nf banrfo
parskt sr
* °
f wisconsin
Names will be withheld for valid reasons.
reserves a°l IriitTrja'l*
3 P ?' •
r publica,ion °n Thursday. The RANGER
defamatory content Pr,Vllefles in re,us
'"9 P"nt letters which contain false or
RANGER Thursday, October 21,1982 3
Clinic People on Campus treats eating disorders
by Jennie Tunkieicz
Eating disorders, such as
compulsive overeating, anorexia
nervosa and bulimia are serious
dilemas for many teenagers and
young adults. The Family
Therapy and Research Institute in
Kenosha can help people overcome
these problems.
The institute is primarily
funded through a contract with
Kenosha County where area
families are referred for consultation
and therapy. Karen
Schultz, a social worker, and Ed
Jessee, a clinical psychologist,
staff the organization. Both have
had previous experience in
working with eating disorders.
Anorexia, which is the most
publicized disorder, is where a
person abstains from eating.
Often, an anorexic has a distorted
image of his or her self and
believes they need to lose weight
— even when they have reached a
very thin and emaciated state.
Most recently people are
becoming aware of bulimia. This
disorder is characterized by a
binge and purge pattern where the
person over - eats then
regurgitates or takes laxatives to
remove food from their system.
Bulimia can cause physical
complications. Continued
vomiting causes acids to come up
through the asophogus which
breaks down tissues and can also
rot teeth.
"I think the reason bulimia has
taken longer to become
recognized is because it is a more
secretive problem," said Schultz,
"and it can be kept a secret even
from family members."
No single factor creates these
problems. These problems can
occur in anyone.
"We as an outfit tend to take a
contextual view of problems.
What often leads to these
problems is a feeling of n ot being
in control," Schultz said. "We try
to help the individual by looking at
their situation and helping them
gain more control over their life so
they won't have to resort to such
drastic measures," she added.
Schultz feels that culture
promotes these problems because
of the strong emphasis on food,
eating and weight control. Also,
families with many rituals involving
food can make these
problems more prevalent.
The treatment process used by
the institute is to meet with the
individual and their families.
"The family can help the person
change their situation," said
Schultz. "We look for the important
people and other factors in
their environment that might be
affecting and creating these
problems," she added.
Schultz concluded, "It may
begin to feel like it is impossible to
stop this pattern of eating, but it is
not something that can't be
changed. We believe that by
helping the person change their
situation and context of their life
the problem can be stopped."
Law school
rep to
speak here
Professor Dan Morrissey from
the University of Tulsa Law
School will be visiting UW -
Parkside on Thursday, October 28
at 10:30 in Molinaro 367. He is
interested in talking to students
interested in attending the
University of Tulsa Law School.
All interested students should
contact Prof. Sue Strickler in
Moln. 263 or at 553-2600 for further
With fire, preparation is the
by Vincent Gigliotti
Fire! The mere thought of fire
may cause fear in even the
strongest of individuals. Fire is a
very traumatic experience for
anyone involved. Safety of the
individual is by far the major
concern during a fire. Property is
replaceable, people are not!
Although Parkside has never
had a major fire, that does not
mean that we are not prepared.
Fire Protection Procedure
manuals are distributed to all
faculty. The Somers Fire
Department makes regular visits
to the campus to keep their personnel
aware of bu ilding locations
and layout. Custodial personnel
are informed of their duties in
aiding people evacuate the
buildings. All faculty and staff
should be aware of the procedures
involved in case of f ire.
But what should you, the
student, know and be aware of in
case of a fire? Because of the
varied times and places students
are on campus, fire drills would be
impractical. It is the responsibility
of each student to be
aware of his or her surroundings.
As you attend classes, be conscious
of the locations of the
nearest exits, stairs, fire alarm
pull boxes and fire extinguishers.
Every student should be aware of
these, wherever they are on
campus. It only takes a minute to
locate the nearest exit if you plan
ahead. In an emergency, panic
may make finding an exit more
Ranger accepting
stories, poems
Continued From Page Two
might have to get in touch with
you about your submission, so
include your number.
3) Short stories should be just
that — short. Preferably no more
than ten typed pages.
4) This is not a contest —
nothing will be judged. This is
simply an opportunity for students
to have their creative literary
efforts published in the Ranger.
5) Ranger reserves the right to
select submissions, but we'll
probably print anything you have
to offer.
6) There is no deadline — I pl an
to run stories and poems all year,
but to have something considered
Continued On Page Five
If you notice a fire starting, pull
the nearest fire alarm box. If an
office is nearby, tell someone to
call Security. If you are near a
phone that is safe from the fire,
call Security. Give the location of
the fire, building and room
number, if possible. Inform
anyone you see of the fire and
evacuate the building.
If there are no phones available,
pull the fire alarm and leave.
There are people in each building
who are instructed to call Security
when they hear an alarm.
Once you hear a fire alarm,
evacuate the building immediately.
Don't stop to pick up
personal belongings. Property can
be replaced. Once outside the
building, never go back until so
instructed. People are often injured
returning to a burning
building. When you are outside,
stay away from the building until
the all - clear signal is given.
When evacuating a building use
the stairs, never an elevator. The
fire may stop the electricity to the
elevator, leaving you trapped
Orderly evacuation is much
faster than mass confusion. If
there is smoke in the hallway, stay
near the floor. If t he stairs on one
side of the building are blocked,
proceed to the other side of the
If you are in a wheelchair, try to
get near the stairs. Do not place
the wheelchair in the center of th e
by Bruce R. Preston
Too many people today suffer
from the all - too - easy disease of
labeling others because of their
beliefs or outside appearances.
"Handicapped", "Woman" and
"single parent" are just a few
labels stuck onto Elizabeth Perry,
yet she transcends mere
description and most definately
any of the se petty, superficial tags
many people place upon her.
Elizabeth is a junior with a
communication and psychology
double major. She'd like to work
with organizational behavior with
an emphasis on marketing.
At home, she is raising a bright,
talented 15 - year - old daughter
named Lisa. Lisa is, according to
her mother, being brought up in
a very democratic environment
which is not unlike that of her own.
As I talked with Elizabeth I
came to realize that she defies any
traditional label through her
constant state of change, which
she equates with growth. "Staying
the same frightens me more than
anything else," she commented.
"I really find life exciting," she
continued, "especially the
challenges." Not only does she
want to experience the daily
stairs, stay to one side. Someone
running to the stairs may knock
you down the stairs. Anyone who
comes across a disabled person
should take the time to assist them
in getting out of the building.
Be alert for the signs of a fire.
Don't become complacent! Not
every fire alarm is a false alarm.
The time you don't leave the
building could be a real fire and
you could be trapped inside.
challenges but she wants to leave
her mark. "I have to know I'll
make a difference or you couldn't
even get me out of bed in the
School is important to
Elizabeth, not only for the
academic reasons but because it
offers everyone a chance to
escape their social tag. "Your
label can really be lost here," she
remarked. "You become a new
person facing new problems."
When away from school, she
enjoys old movies, jazz, rock,
classical music, gardening and
getting zany. She likes things to be
controlled to some extent yet
welcomes surprises. "We all have
a searching need for stability,"
she stated. "Yet, we need to
change in order to grow."
It is this delicate mixture of
stability and change which
characterizes and becomes
Elizabeth. "Sometimes you find
out something you always thought
was important was just superficial,"
she said. "You constantly
have to refocus and re-evaluate
your values."
"I may stop fluctuating," she
said in reference to growing old,
"but I will always leave myself
open to change."
Sure she's just another face in
the hall, but it's her dynamic
independence, her love for life,
and her active refusal to conform
to social labels that make
Elizabeth Perry stand out in the
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Computer Center
The Computer Center has scheduled three information
sessions for students, faculty and staff who
use UW - Parkside's Instructional and Research
Timesharing System (PIRTS) or the IBM academic
computing system.
The main idea of the sessions is to make available
regular times when users can get together informally
with the Center's Operations Manager, Academic
Consultant and Systems Programmer and discuss
users' questions, suggestions and concerns.
The 2nd and 3rd sessions will be held in the MOLN -
111 faculty lounge on:
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27, 1 -2:30 p. m.
MONDAY, NOV. 22,9 - 10:30a. m.
Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to attend
any or all of the sessions.
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4 Thursday, October 21,1982 RANGER
CSub Events
Inter Varsity Christian
Fellowship will hold a social
meeting Wednesday, Oct. 27, at 1
p. m. in Union 207. This is a good
time to get to know each other
better through sharing and fun.
We are also looking forward to
our special speaker Lazaro Uribe,
who will be with us Wednesday,
Nov. 3, to speak on "The Sting of
Dance Ensemble
The Parkside Dance Ensemble
workouts will be Monday, Wednesday
and Friday starting at 1
p.m. The room has been changed
to Comm Arts 140. The Ensemble
is open to all students, staff and
faculty. Participants are advised
to wear dance attire.
Physics Colloquium
John Jones, a Parkside physics
student, will speak at the next
Physics Colloquium Wednesday,
Oct. 27. The talk is entitled "The
Physics of F lying," and will be at
1 p. m. in Greenquist 230.
Accounting Club
Tickets for the Manager's
Dinner are now being sold in
Molinaro Hall. The ticket booth
will be open Monday through
Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and
Tuesday and Thursday evenings,
4 - 7 p.m. Tickets are $10. They
may also be purchased from any
Accounting Club officer. The
dinner will be Monday, Nov. 15.
The Main speaker will be
Fredrick Kraegel, a CPA partner
from Pest, Marwick, Mitchell and
The Accounting Club is also
sponsoring a workshop called
"Interviewing: the Office Visit"
Friday, Oct. 29 at 1 p.m. in Union
104. Jim Szorcsick from the Accounting
firm Deliotte, Haskins
and Sells will tell you what to
expect at the second interview.
Refreshments will be served.
Chemistry Club
On Friday, Oct. 22 at 1 p.m., the
Chemistry Club will hold a
membership drive party in Union
104. All members and prospective
members are invited. Soda and
popcorn will be served.
The club will meet Monday,
Nov. 1, at 1 p.m. in Greenquist D101.
Friday afternoon, Nov. 12 is
the Miller Brewery tour. Sign up
at the meeting on Nov. 1.
Art Addicts
A bus trip to Madison has been
scheduled for Friday, Oct. 29 to
see the Edward Munch exhibition
at the Elvehjem Museum. The bus
will leave from the CART lot at
8:30 a.m. and return at 5 p.m.
Admission to the museum is free.
Bus fare is $5.50 and payable in
the Fine Arts office.
The Edible Art Bake Sale will be
Monday, Oct. 15, from 9 a.m. to 4
p.m. Proceeds will go to cash
prizes for the Student Art Show. So
come over and "eat your art out."
Geology Colloquium
'U ' /(rL. . fcTflV vvis<
Bar and Grill
17 OZ. B OT TLE OF MICH EL OB, $1.00
2325 - 52nd Street, Kenosha, Wis.
Women in Business
Women in Business will hold a
Bake Sale Wednesday, Oct. 27,
from 8 a. m. to 2 p. m. There will
be lots of good things to eat and
even some healthy snacks. The
sale will be in the Bookstore
Scholarship help
^ Dr. M. G. Mudrey of the
cS&P Wisconsin Geological and Natural
History Survey will lecture
Friday, Oct. 22, in Greenquist 113
p. m.
G.J.R. Productions Presents:
Appearing at: Memorial Hall, 72 Seventh St.,
Racine, Wis.
Date: Friday, October 22, 1982
Admission: $9.50 Advance - $12 At Door
Show Time: 7:30 P. M. —10:00 P. M.
Tickets Available At:
Beautiful Day Records & Tapes, 422 Main St., Racine
Sound & Video Warehouse, Westgate Mall, Racine
Tic Toe Club, 2719 - 60th St., Kenosha
Betty's Barber Shop, 424 Main St., Racine
Bojangle's, 1845 West Racine, Racine
Now is the time to plan your
financing of next year's schooling.
In addition to government and
other public aid, many supplemental
private scholarships,
grants and loans are available to
college students.
How does one find out about
these aids?
There are basically two
alternatives — research the
alternatives oneself or pay
someone else to complete the
Both the UW - Parkside library
Thursday, Oct. 28, in Moln 213 at 8
p. m. Refreshments will be served
during an informal question and
answer period.
Physics Club
The Physics Club will meet
Monday, Oct. 25, at 1 p. m. in
Greenquist 230. The club is a
group of students interested in
physics, math and astronomy. We
tour government labs - bring in
speakers and do other things of
interest. This year we will be
going to the Fermi National Accelerator
Laboratory, the
Argonne National Lab, Zion
Nuclear Training Reactor and a
few other places.
Anyone can join the physics
club. If interested, come to the
meeting Monday and see Dr.
Luzader in Greenquist 235.
Data Processing Club
The Data Processing club is
sponsoring two speakers who
graduated from Parkside last
semester. Chuck McMahan and
John Schmidt were both hired by
Northwestern Mutual Life and
have had over 35 interviews
between them, both on and off
campus. Chuck and John will
discuss these interviews and give
ideas of the role and future of men
and women in the field.
The presentation will be
»>:i »>;«»:«»:»»>
»!•!«»!*!« I5!I I5!i »!•!« »!t« •!•!« »!•!« >T> i"i "i »!•!«»!•%
II. W.-Parkside
Dr. Russell J. Reiter of the
University of Texas at San Antonio's
Health Science Center will
talk on the pineal gland. There is
evidence that, in humans, the
pineal gland contributes to the
onset of puberty, and is responsible
for certain forms of mental
illness. The seminar will be
Friday, Oct. 22 i n Greenquist 103
at 1 p.m. The seminar is open to
the public.
N ill I I K M V N S
/ You've
'2;' '£« 'g' 'ii' »;•;« »;•:« »;•;« »;•;
!3!i i!J!I i7!i »5!i »!•!» ISM.M »!•!» »!•!« »!•!« »!•;«
and financial aids office have
copies of publications which list
private sources of financing
educational costs. One should also
check with family members and
parents, local civic organizations
and businesses.
The second alternative involves
using a firm which specializes in
compiling financial aids listings.
These firms do not have exclusive
listings, but they can offer a busy
student a legitimate shortcut to
searching by oneself. According to
a UW - Parkside financial aids
spokesperson, a search firm will
usually require a fee of about $45.
The firm will provide the
student applicant with a list of
financial aids alternatives for
which the applicant is eligible
according to major, rank in class
and other information which is
provided to the search firm. The
student must still apply to each
individual source.
One such firm is The Scholarship
Bank. According to the
director of that private search
service, more than 1,350 new
scholarships will be available to
college students — primarily
undergraduates — n ext year. For
more information about The
Scholarship Bank services, send a
self - addressed, stamped,
business - size envelope to 10100
Santa Monica Blvd., #750, Los
Angeles, CA 90067.
how to love
''E n h a n c i ng Lovi ng
Relationships" will be the theme
of a four - session, non - credit
course to be offered Tuesdays
from Oct. 26 to Nov. 16 from 6:30
to 9:30 p.m. at Parkside in
Molinaro Hall Room D-128. The
class is being offered by the
Parkside Office of Educational
Joe Longo, who will teach the
course, said it "is designed to
build on an already existing base
people have in their ability to
share positive feelings. Love is a
learned art and response. Like
anything else, to get better at it
you have to learn more about it. A
person cannot live whatever they
do not dedicate themselves to. In
order to dedicate yourself to love
you must forever be growing in
Longo is a special education
teacher for the Racine Unified
School District. He has attended
three presentations by Leo
Buscaglia, a California teacher
and author of the best seller book,
"Living, Loving and Learning,"
and also attended a "Love in the
'80s" workshop.
Pre - registration is required for
the class and can be made by
calling the Education Office at
553-2351. The fee is $20.
NOV. 10, 1982
From 2:00 - 5 :00 pm. in the Union Square
Anyone wanting to take part please contact the P.A.B. office
at 553-2650
before Oct. 28th!
NOTE: Groups wanting to perform must be small.
Thursday, October 21,1982
So it goes
A bull's
by John Kovalic
All right, campers. Sit down.
Stay calm. Don't panic. Apparently,
with my last few articles,
(three to be exact) a lot of
you out there took what I said to be
kosher. The real McCoy. Totally
You believed it.
That's right. It wasn't true.
Not a word of it.
Jeeez, don't you feel STUPID?
There was no conversation with
any Wargamers, nor Physicists.
Nor is there a Professor Stein out
there trying to discover life at the
YMCA. Sure had you fooled, huh?
Now, you say, why the heck (or
words to that effect) do I go and
reveal all this when I had you
right in the palm of my hands?
Because this week's article is
actually, one - hundred percent,
total, truth! That's it! Not one
word of falsehood. Not one
paragraph misleading, not one
syllable a dupe.
This is it, guys n' gals.
What, you ask, can be of such
national, nay, world - shattering
importance, that I halt my personal
vendetta against all that
may be called a veritie!
You may well ask.
Now, like I said, sit down, lest
the excitement becomes too much
for you.
Sitting comfortably?
Then I'll begin.
This week, as you may well
have already guessed, I shall
discuss none other than our very
own, Parkside DART TEAM.
(Stop yawning!)
* * *
The Parkside Dart Team is a
competitive sport and social (not
necessarily in that order)
-eye bull session with Parkside's 'Dartman
organization that is suffering from
an image problem.
Or, to be more specific, a lack of
an image problem.
You see, they have one
seemingly insurmountable,
No one takes them seriously.
It was in an effort to turn this
situation around that I obtained
the following interview with the
'in de facto' head of said
organization, the one, the only,
Dartman, aka Nick Thome.
Yes, that's right. Yes, I d id say
Dartman. Yes, I did say this was
all on the level. No, don't stop
reading. I need the money.
"Why is it that you feel that you
are the focus for ridicule? Or,
should I say, the Dart Team is the
focus of?"
"Well, first of a ll, I want to just
say that the majority of those that
jest at the expense of the UWPDT
(UW - Parkside Dart Team) are in
fact, non - members."
"Could you give me an example?"
"One such non - member is
Steve Kalmar, the current SOC
"Why in particular the
illustrious Mr. Kalmar?"
"Recently, at the last SOC
banquet, Mr. Kalmar introduced
us as, and I quote, 'The newest
and most subversive group on
campus.' " (I could trace a tad of
bitterness in my host's tone.) In
my opinion, such unsubstantiated
untruths cannot do any good in the
promotion of a student
organization's image."
"Well, I could see where that
would be a problem . . . What
exactly does the UWPDT consist
"The Parkside Dart Team
consists of three separate, distinct
groups. First of all, there is the
Dart Team proper ..."
"Of course."
"Then, there is the Dart Team
cheerleading squad."
"Cheerleading squad?
"That's right. You see, we get
all these girls and ... "
"No, no, that's O.K. I know what
cheerleading is. It's just that I was
rather . . . uh . . . surprised."
"Well, actually, at the moment,
we're a bit short on that section.
Last years' squad was much more
numerous. In fact, if any of your
readers wants to become a
cheerleader, female or male, they
should contact Tony Rogers at the
Ranger office."
"He's the chairman of the Dart
Team Cheerleader Selection
Committee, of course."
"Of course."
"The Dart Team Support
Committees, by the way, make up
the third section of t he Dart Team
"Yes, but let me get on with the
team first. The team itself is a
squad of five people that play
English 301 darts against other
UW schools. At this date, you may
be interested to know, UWPDT is
undefeated in open competition."
"But you didn't actually play
anyone last year."
"True, but we feel that is only a
minor factor in our success."
"The cheerleading squads are
groups of five people each, one
male, one female. They are
present at all matches, and
provide moral support. The final
section of the whole team are the
seven standing committees."
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"Could you tell me what they
"Sure. First of all, there's the
Public Relations Committee, who
are responsible for advertising.
Or lack of same. They also handle
communication from the team to
our school."
"Vital, I'm sure."
"You'd be surprised. Then
there's the Tournament Committee,
who handles all the Dart
Team sponsored competitive
events, such as last years' First
Annual April Fool's Day Tricycle
Race. The Social Committee is
responsible for the organization
and execution of all social
"Or parties."
"Exactly. You're catching on."
"The Fund - Raising Committee
is self - explanatory. The Judging
Committee, by far our most
popular, chooses the cheerleading
squads. The Activities Committee
organizes all other committees,
and finally there is the Antagonism
Committee. They are in
charge of writing provocative and
intimidating material and sending
it to any opposing teams that we
may compete against."
"Aha! Sort of dispiriting to any
team unlucky enough to find itself
playing you."
"So true. In fact, the Antagonism
Committee is sponsoring
our Nasty Letter Writing
"I thought that would have been
up to the Tournament Committee."
"Oh, shut up."
* * *
The Dart Team's policies are
very simple:
(1) To get as many people involved
with as little bureaucracy
as possible. (Yes, I know it doesn't
make sense either.)
(2) To have at least one party a
month to get members familiar
with each other (and to consume
fair amounts of alcohol.)
So, if you like being active in an
inactive sort of way, and want
Parkside to be less boring, then
sign up! (The UWPDT has no
membership fees and doesn't plan
on having any in the forseeable
Note: The ability to play darts is
NOT a prerequisite of membership.
Which is why I was accepted
as a member.
Boy, I can't wait 'till next week
when I get to make up this baloney
Ranger accepting
stories, poems
Continued From Page Three
for a particular Thursday issue of
Ranger, it must be submitted the
preceeding Friday.
7) You will retain all rights to
whatever you submit, whether we
print it in the Ranger or not.
8) We may have to edit your
story for punctuation, but we will
call you first. We won't change the
content of what you write.
9) It would be a good idea to
make a photocopy of yo ur story —
we may be able to return your
submission, but it will have marks
on the copy.
10) This is also open to all
Parkside faculty and staff.
The Ranger
Needs Staffers!
6 Thursday, October 21, 1982 RANGER
Burned up
Are cetaceans singing songs to Satan?
by by CCaro arol l Bur Burns ns can provide countless hours of whale noises sound remarkat
Modern - day research tries to
avoid the situation of creating
devils workshops via idle minds.
They have come up with many
very necessary items, including
padded toilet seats, inside - the -
egg scramblers, and gold - plated
toothpicks. One of the branches of
that research is not development
of new products, but the study of
existing elements of life.
Chemists, physicists, and
biologists really get off on that
sort of thing. Examination and
analysis of sewage runoff, soap -
bubble geometry, and living
organisms found in stump water
l C-ftue" s usrn
fl*J CXfENSlvje bo*
op chocolate-";
can provide countless hours of
adventure for them. These people
get especially excited when their
research has a practical aspect.
The recently - ordained
Professor Grisley is an example of
such a person. He's been studying
the sounds of whales for several
years. After traveling the oceans
and making hundreds of tapes,
he's found that those mammals
have a patterned set of noises
which can be likened to a regular
When played at normal speeds,
the sounds whales produce are
eerie. If the speed at which the
tapes are played is increased, the
whale noises sound remarkably
like bird songs.
Professor Grisley was enchanted
with that whole idea until
one day he happened to play a
tape backwards. It was to be the
most startling discovery of his
life. Satanic messages were encoded
in the tapes!
Now we have knowledge of the
true wickedness afoot. This could
prove to be a breakthrough for all
those wishing to purge evil from
the earth. It will give new life to
the "Nuke the Whales" campaign.
Because of their recognizable
intelligence, whales must
naturally be the commandos of
by John Kovalic
the rest of the animal kingdom.
God only knows how long it will be
before they all rise up and take
over the human race.
We have to prepare for this. The
obvious evil in the world must be
stopped. The only answer is to
completely annihilate the animal
We'll show 'em. There can't
possibly be any demons left to
undermine the human race once
the animals are gone. We'll all be
saved, thanks to Professor
Grisley. Who knows, someday he
might even make saint.
Reeves to speak on McCarthy
I FEE-L GIDDr losr
D+iRJKiMCr ftfiour Hec
UILBuR. I Cflu'r trPiT
NEB* I GO SHA^er Fwo
SRefuc our ik) r cold
Some thirty years ago the junior
Senator from the state of
Wisconsin, Joe McCarthy, burst
onto the American scene with an
anti - communist campaign that
polarized the nation and eventually
came to symbolize an entire
Was Joe McCarthy an ardent
defender of all we hold dear or
was he, as most historians have
pictured, "the most wicked of
Thomas Reeves, Professor of
History at the University of
Wisconsin - Parkside, will look at
both sides of the McCarthy
question at the Golden Rondelle
Theater in Racine on Wednesday,
Nov. 3, at 7 p.m.
Reeves is the author of The Life
and Times of Joe McCarthy, a
biography that has been
nationally recognized and acclaimed.
Publishers Weekly said
of the book: "Make no mistake: at
awards time, this excitingly
readable biography will be
remembered . . . This may be as
nearly definitive a biography as
A.multi-image presentation of the marketing and advertising strategies that have catamite
Ml Her Brewing Company from seventh place in the beer industry to second place todav Th
entertaining program is free and open to the public.
u P'ace today. This
Date: October 26th
Time: 2:00 p. m..
Location: Union Cinema
Presented by:
Pi Sigma Epsilon and The
Miller Brewing Company This presentation has
been rescheduled to 2: oo p. m.
we will ever have." Reeves has
appeared on Good Morning
America and on William
Buckley's Firing Line and
recently completed a national tour
for the book.
Reservations for this program
are requested and can be made by
calling 631-2154. There is no admission
charge. The Golden
Rondelle Theater is located in
Racine at the corner of 14th and
Franklin Streets.
"War" to
The band "War" will appear in
concert at Racine's Memorial
Hall tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m.
Admission is $9.50 for advance
tickets, and $12 at the door. In
Kenosha, tickets can be bought at
the Tic Toe Club, 2719 - 60th St.,
and in Racine, tickets can be
purchased at Beautiful Day
Records and Tapes, 422 M&in St.,
and Sound and Video Warehouse
at the Westgate Mall.
10:00 a m - 4.-00 pm
• Jube Jells
• Licorice Bully
• Malted Milk Balls
• Milk Carmels
• Orange Slices
• Peanut Butter Chip
• Peanut Clusters
• Peppermint Kisses
• Rootbeer Barrels
• Sour Balls
• Spearment Leaves
• Starlite Mints
• Carmel Targets
• Cinnamon Discs
• Candy Pops
• Corn Nuts
• Assorted Perky
• Assorted Royal
• Assorted Toffee
• Bridge Mix
• Burndt Peanuts
• Butterscotch Discs
• Candy Coffee Discs
• Carmel Bully
• Chocolate Drops
• Chocolate Jots
• Chocolate Peanuts
• Chocolate Raisins
• Chocolate Stars
• Jelly Beans
• California Mix
• Caribbean Delicacy
• Carob Malted Milk Ball:
• Carob Raisins
• Carob Peanuts
• Natural Pistachio
• Red Pistachio
• Spanish Peanuts
• Sunflower Seeds
• Student Food Mix
• Yogurt Malted Milk Ball
• Yogurt Peanuts
• Yogurt Raisins
• Yogurt Sesame Brittle
Smoked Almonds whole
RANGER Thursday, October 21,1982
Men's Soccer
Rangers improve record
by Pat Hensiak
Parkside's Soccer team is
holding onto this season's winning
tradition. On Wednesday, Oct. 13,
Parkside beat Lake Forest 2-o!
Andy Buchanan and Don Theisen
scored the goals and both were
assisted by Kim Jensen. This is
the first time the Rangers have
come home from Lake Forest
"That was a good win for us,"
commented Coach Hal Henderson.
"We hadn't won there yet,
and they've played a couple of
other rank ball teams. In the long
run, this victory will improve our
Henderson said that part of the
problem the team has had in the
past at Lake Forest has been the
small field. "That's been a
psychological problem for us for
On Saturday, Oct. 16, the
Rangers defeated Northland
scoring a total of 9 goals, and
locking Northland out of scoring
for the entire game. The Rangers
outshot Northland 51-1, with
Northland making 18 saves from
goal, and Parkside making only l
save from goal.
Scorers in the game were Don
Matanowski, 1 goal, Jim Banks, 3
goals, Mike Nowak, l goal, Bob
Newstrom, 1 goal, and Don
Theisen, 3 goals. Jim Banks broke
the individual scoring record for
one season with his goals in this
"This was one team we had to
play," said Coach Henderson.
"They are in the NAIA. So, we
must play them in either a game
during the season or in a tournament
at the end of th e season. I
don't like the idea of playing a
tournament at the end of the
season to decide the national
tournament qualifier. We play
them in the season, so does
Now that the Rangers have
beaten Northland, if they beat
Platteville they will be the district
winners, and qualify for the
Nationals. Currently, the Rangers
rank 10th in the NCAA Division II
standings, and 18th in the NAIA.
IAN HAMILTON manuevers around a Northland player.
Photo by Masood Shafiq
Mejia and Henderson champions
Golf season recaptured
by Robb Luehr
After disappointing finishes in
their first 3 matches, Parkside's
men's golf team pulled itself
together and placed high in the
final 5 meets of the season.
On Sept. 24 - 25, the team went to
the UW - Gr een Bay Invitational,
and scored 822, good fo r 3rd place
out of 1 0 teams. UW - Eau Claire
won the meet with 769. John
Schneider led the way for UW - P
with a score of 161 — (85-76).
The next 2 days, Sept. 26 - 27, the
team was in Oshkosh for the
Mascoutin Collegiate Tournament,
sponsored by UW -
Oshkosh. The golfers continued
their strong play, ending up in a
tie for third place, 27 shots behind
UW - Oshkosh's pace - setting
score of 769. L eading the way for
the Rangers was Bob Sobol,
shooting a 155 — (75 - 80).
The next match of the season
was at Whitewater, Oct. 4. The
results have not been determined
at press time, but Parkside shot
A. A. MEETING: Every Wednesday, Moln
211, between 1 and 2 p. m.
FOR SALE: 1966 Olds Delta 88, good runner,
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TYPING: Neat and accurate. No project is
too large or little. Will edit if requested.
Donna F. Call 633-1794.
ATTENTION SKIERS: Marketing coordinators
needed to promote high quality ski
and beach trips on campus. Earn commission
plus free travel. Call Summit
Tours, 800-325-0439.
anything short essays, reports, research
papers, etc. . . . Rate Charged: $1.00 per
page, Electric typewriter. Call anytime:
WOULD like to share ride to Eau Claire, Wl. 3
students to share expenses, need transportation
from Fri., Nov. 5 • S un., Nov. 7.
Call 639-4195.
criticize true love the most have experienced
love the least.
DR. DREW: Carole is really burned up. You
should know better. We have all resigned as
fans of the club. Better luck later. Have you
gotten dressed? I hope you don't miss the
boat ride again. HAHA. Your Loyal but
somewhat distressed fans.
CAROLE: Dr. Drew is certainly sorry. He
can't help himself.
GOMER: Je taime aussi, U. C.
GOMER PYLE: No Spanish, please. Uncle
a 397 to finish in the middle of 10
teams. On top for Parkside was
John Scheider, who shot a 76.
On Oct. 5, 15 teams descended
on the Brighton Dale Country Club
course for the Parkside Invitational.
Marquette University
won with a score of 391. The
Rangers, led by a strong performance
by Bob Sobol, finished
third scoring 400. Sobol shot a 76,
good for fourth place out of a field
of o ver 90 golfers.
The final, and perhaps biggest
tournament of the season, was the
District 14 Tournament, played
Oct. 10 - 12 at the Watertown
Country Club. The field of 11
teams played 3 rounds of golf to
determine who could advance to
the national finals, to be played
later this month. Only the top
team and top individual may
move on to the finals. UW - Eau
Claire advanced by shooting a total
of 1137. Parkside led by John
Schneider's 230 — (77-77-76),
ended their season by finishing
fourth, with a score of 1201.
Coach Stephens at the beginning
of the season predicted the team
to improve throughout the season.
With most of the team being
returning underclassmen,
Parkside should have something
to be optimistic about.
Champion men's single player
in the intramural tournament was
Frank Mejia of Racine. He
defeated Matt Giovanelli for
second and third place was
captured by Brian Langenbach.
In the women's singles tournament,
champion honors went to
Jody Henderson, Casey Zahalka
took second place and in third was
Margaret Houselander.
This week's game in flag
football proved to be a neck and
neck struggle. The Vikings were
successful in their drive for an
undefeated season downing the
Panzers 20-14. Team captain Jack
Decker ran for each of the three
touchdowns scored by the Viking
team while Anita Ratsch and Cliff
McKenzie crossed the end line for
the Panzers. Standings at the end
of four weeks of play are:
Vikings 2-0
All-Stars 1-2
Panzers 1-2
In this week's contest, the AllStars
will play the Vikings at 4
p.m., Thursday, Oct. 21.
Sign up deadlines occuring this week:
Badminton: Monday, Oct. 25
2 on 2 Basketball: Tuesday, Oct. 26
Volleyball: Thursday, Oct. 28
Other deadlines coming up fast:
Men's Basketball Tournament: Nov. 9, 1982
Turkey Trot: Nov. 18, 1982
See sheets at INFO. Kiosk, Gym of Info desk for more details.
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
SAT., NOV. 6 — 6:00 PM
*17.50 PER
• 75« , SI.00 & SI.25 O FF REG ULAR PIZZA P RI CES
8 Thursday, October 21,1982 RANGER
Tyree participates in 'new' sport Men's Cross Country
Runners back on their feet Renee Tyree is a person with an
exciting interest. Renee is a
Roller Cross Country skier. This is
basically the same as winter
Cross Country except the skier
has rollers on the bottom of the
skis. The skis she uses are like
regular winter Cross Country skis.
They are two and a half feet long,
with three wheels — two in back
and one in front. The bindings and
poles are the same as winter Cross
Country equipment.
Renee is a freshman here at
Parkside, studying Pre - Med. She
is an alumnus of Horlick High
School in Racine. Renee was involved
in Cross Country running
and Track. Regular winter Cross
Country skiing is one of her
favorite sports.
Renee became involved in roller
skiing through a friend. Professor
Wallen also roller skis. She h as
been involved in the sport for
about three months. Although
there is no team here at Parkside,
there are ski clinics here at
Parkside however, so those involved
can improve their skiing
skill. Renee trains for this sport
and competes in Roller Cross
Country ski races. The practices
she sets up for herself vary. It all
depends on how much time is
available and her ambition that
day. She practices on the track at
Horlick or the inner loop at
Parkside. She includes running in
her program to keep in shape.
The races can be run anytime
there isn't snow. The distance of
the races is 10 kilometers. Some
places she has been are Purdue,
Madison and Chicago to compete.
She also competes in winter
Cross Country skiing. There are
not too many girls involved in this
sport on the competitive level. She
does very well, averaging a first
or second place.
Renee will be competing in a
Roller Cross Country meet this
weekend in Madison. Good luck to
you Renee.
Men's Cross Country packed up
this last weekend at their meet in
Madison. The Tom Jones Invitational
yielded a Ninth place
for the Rangers. The Rangers
competed against eleven teams,
four of who are top ranked teams.
UW - Madison hosted the meet and
also won it. The weather was
sunny with the temperatures in
the 40s.
Rich Miller and Jim Miller were
both able to run in this meet. Dan
Stublaski is still sustaining injuries
and was not able to run. The
top three performing Rangers
were: Rich Miller placing 56,
26:04; Tom Barrett 75, 26:23; and
Jim Miller 76, 26:24.
Coach Lucian Rosa commented
that the team is looking forward to
competing in the NCAA
Qualifying meet that will be here
at Parkside on October 30. They
all expect to do well. The next
meet is October 23, this Saturday.
It is being held at Carthage at
11:00 a. m.
Cross country ski clinic at Parkside
The United States Ski Team and
the United States Ski Coaches
Association together with Shaklee
Corporation will be hosting a cross
country training clinic at
Parkside on Saturday, Oct. 23 in
Greenquist Hall 101.
The clinic is open to interested
skiers, parents and coaches with
no memberships required. $4 wil l
be charged per person.
The clinic will be one full day
and utilizes films, slides and
graphics to teach the basics of
technique and training, from the
intermediate skier up through the
very advanced. Beginners can
also benefit tremendously from
the clinic by watching how the
experts ski, and learning more
about the sport in which they are
becoming involved.
Short topics will also cover
coach - athlete relationships and
how to work better together, ski
care, basic physiology and a film
on the philosophy of youth sports,
"Is Winning Everything?"
The clinic is designed to help
bring the most recent and advanced
discoveries about the
sport of cross country skiing to
various locations throughout the
United States.
Two new technique films with
instructional booklets will be used
to teach technique. Training information
will be presented as
simply as possible.
If you are interested in attending
one of the clinics with
your club or by yourself, contact
the following:
Dave Harrison, 998 Lake County
Court, Oconomowoc, WI 53066,
(414) 567-1110; o r
Jim McCarthy, 1366 N . Dearborn,
Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 782-
4567; or
Kai Hansen, President of the
Parkside Nordic Ski Club, 19022 -
58th Road, Union Grove, WI 53182,
(414) 878-2777.
For coaches wishing certification
in the United States Ski
Coaches Association, this clinic
will comprise the Level I certification
program. To become
certified, coaches will have to be
members of the Coaches
Association, do additional reading
after the clinic, and take a written
exam. Coaches working with
junior athletes might be very
interested in the additional
reading material, which is geared
towards helping them become
better coaches even if they do not
wish certification.
The clinics will be run by
Stephen Gaskill, former U.S.
Nordic Combined Coach and
New Cheerleaders
On the evening of Sunday, Oct.
10, the new 1982-83 Parkside
cheerleading squad was selected.
The new squad members are:
Heidi Caldwell, Sharon Kruk,
Carmen Smith, Judy Spek, Portia
Morgan, Lynn Brown, David
Kotke, Mike Stehr. The newly
elected co - captain is Kris Anderson
and captain is Hope
currently nordic technical
director for the U.S. Nordic Ski
Team and the U.S. Ski Coaches
Rollerski relay races beginning at
8:30-9:00 a.m. — Registration
(Greenquist 101)
9:00 a.m. — Introduction (10
The Sport In General (20 min.),
film and short talk
Short break (10 min.)
Technique — diagonal stride -
film and talk (45 min.); double
pole and skating, film and talk (45
min.); downhills (5 min.);
herringbone (5 min.)
12:00-1:30 p.m. Lunch Break
($3.00 per person)
Equipment and Ski Preparation
(45 min.) demonstration and talk
Philosophy of the Sport (45
min.) a film on general sport
philosophy from American
Coaching Effectiveness Program
Short Break (10 min.)
Training for Cross Country (1
hr./15 min.) slide show, talk,
demonstrations, outside practice
by everyone
Discussion of USSCA and
coaches certification (15 min.)
Selling of books and material
from USSCA (15 min.)
5:00 p.m. — Roller Ski Relay
Mime artists, actors, comedians,
dancers, magicians, and musicians.
is offering you the chance to perform your
Every Thursday evening, our variety show
local talent to our customers.
special act.
will feature
Auditons will be held every Saturday
morning from 8a. m. to 11 a. m.
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Socialists look to reassert themselves here
Volume 11, issue 7
Series Number
UWPAC124 Ranger News
Original Format
University of Wisconsin - Parkside
Thursday, October 21, 1982
P.S.GA. Senate passes proposals and guidelines
by Pat Hensiak
Three new programs were
approved by the PSGA, Inc.
Senate at their last meeting. The
development of the Parkside
Union Advisory Board, the New
Student Organization Council by -
laws, and the new Student Legal
The Parkside Union Advisory
Board shall be so in the formulation,
implementation, and
review of the Parkside Union's
policy. It will seek to promote the
Parkside Union's role in the
campus and community activities
and services. At the same time, it
will seek to fulfill the educational
goals of the University through
the cooperation of various
elements within the University
and community.
The responsibilities would include
reviewing policy and advising
in the areas of B uilding use
(who, when, where);- Prices;
Present Service; Food Service;
Facilities; Building Services;
Public Relations; Special
Promotions. At the beginning of
each semester, PUAB shall
review and discuss the plans
related to the use of Union
Facilities. PAB functions in the
Union, but is not a function of t he
All recommendations of the
PUAB will be sent to the Dean of
Student Life for consideration. In
the case of a conflict between the
PUAB, the issue will be reconsidered
by the PUAB and upon a
2/3 vote of the entire PUAB a
decision will be sent back to the
Dean of Student Life. If a conflict
persists, the issue will be sent to
the Chancellor, or his / her
designee to mediate the decision
and decide it. The Chancellor's
designee cannot be the Administrator
of the Union or any of
the Union's Administrative staff.
The PUAB will be composed of
12 members, 9 voting and 3 non -
voting. The voting members will
consist of 1 person elected from
the PSGA Senate, 1 person elected
from GSOC, 1 person elected from
Ranger, 1 person elected by PAB,
1 person elected by Peer Support,
1 person elected from the Alumni
Association, 1 seat held by a
faculty member selected by the
Chancellor in consultation with
the University Committee, and 2
student at large seats, one is to be
elected in the Spring election and
the other to be elected in the Fall
The non - voting members will
consist of the Dean of Student
Life, or his / her designee; the
Director of t he Union, or his / her
designee; and the Student Activities
Coordinator or his / her
During the meeting, Jim
Kreuser, President of P.S.G.A.,
Inc., said, "This will give the
director of the Union a chance to
hear student input, which I'm sure
he wants to hear. It's our money
going into it. I feel it's a good
committee, it needs to be formed.
I'm sure it will turn out to be a
very important committee as far
as Student Life goes on policy
made concerning the Union."
Approved also at the meeting
were the new SOC Guidelines. The
guidelines were developed by a
group of concerned students to.
clarify questioned issues within
rules and by - laws of SOC an d B.
and R.C. previous to Nov. 15 shall
be null and void.
Carla Thomas, Vice - Chair of
SOC, made these comments about
the new by - laws: "They are a
very solid foundation to build SOC
into the organization it's meant to
P.S.G.A. Senate meeting.
Photo by Masood Shafiq
SOC. Through these new by - laws,
the qualifications for SOC
membership, the Chair responsibilities,
the Vice - Chair
responsibilities, the duties of the
Executive Board, the duties of the
Secretary, the composition of
Budget and Review, and the
process of removal from office
has all been clarified.
These rules will be implemented
on November 15, 1982, and all
be. I am extremely pleased with
them, and I'd like to thank all of
the Senators, SOC members, and
students who worked so hard to
revise and complete them.
They've done an excellent job."
The proposal for the PSGA, Inc.
Student Legal Service was also
given approval by the Senate. The
purpose of this new service will be
to assist students in identifying
and resolving their legal problems
so they can make the most of their
educational opportunities. If a
legal problem threatens to interfere
with a student's effectiveness
on campus, the
student legal service will do what
they can to resolve or minimize
the problem.
An attorney will be available to
render legal and referral services
to all students who pay the student
services fee. If the type of
problem a student has exceeds the
scope of the service, additional
services may be arranged for, at
the student's expense, through the
attorneys in the community.
It is the goal of this service that
direct delivery of legal services
will not only remove or resolve
student's concerns, but will also
act as an educational experience
in familiarizing students with the
legal rights to which they are
entitled and the responsibilities
for which they, as citizens, are
held accountable.
"Needless to say," commented
Phil Pogreba, President Pro
Tempore of the Senate, "I'm very
elated that the Senate passed this.
Although I knew it had a good
chance of going through. The
passing of it marks the end of a lot
of hard work, but at the same
time, it marks the beginning of a
whole new era of work. We now
have to get administrative input
and then we'll finish up the bidding
process, go through interviews,
get the committee set
up, and implement the service,
hopefully by the end of this
Socialists look to reassert themselves here
by Jennie Tunieicz
and Bob Kiesling
Despite the fact that the
Wisconsin branch of the Socialist
Democratic party currently has
only 70 "card carrying" members
and about 2,000 fellow travelers,
James Ingbretson, head of the
party in Wisconsin believes the
time is right for the movement to
reassert itself politically.
Ingbretson said that the party
does not intend to have any
candidates in the 1984 e lections,
but that the party should be able to
offer a state ticket in 1986.
"In '86, I would like to see a
Socialist Democratic candidate
for governor, lieutenant governor,
treasurer, attorney general and
secretary of state. Meetings such
as what we've done here today are
the beginnings of building a base
for that," he said.
The meeting here Saturday was
the first in a number of meetings
in the Racine / Kenosha area to
reestablish the party. Ingbretson
said that he would like to see
separate local organizations set
up in the two towns, but
"would not mind a joint
Former Milwaukee mayor
Frank Zeidler spoke of the "high
human cost of capitalism" when
he outlined his party's platform.
He listed some of the socialist's
achievements that, he said, have
since been adopted by the major
He said the Socialist Democrats
were leaders in the field of
unemployment compensation,
much occupational safety and
health legislation, and reform in
the areas of social welfare.
"The idea of socialism is that
people working together
cooperatively can produce more
for the good of society than
everyone acting on an individual
basis to promote their own self -
interest," said Zeidler.
He also spoke of t he importance
of the party having specific
political goals, rather than
becoming lost in their own
ideology, as has happened in the
past. At present, the Socialist
Democratic party's goal in Racine
and Kenosha Counties is to set up
locals which would act as
clearinghouses of information.
Also stressed was the importance
of speaking out on local
issues. Ingbretson said that if the
Socialist Democratic Party
makes its opinions known to the
community, the party will begin to
be viewed as a viable political
alternative. He also stressed the
importance of factual reporting
by the media.
Ingbretson said the Socialist
Democratic Party, was very
interested in attracting new
members, but made it clear that
any socialist movement must be a
community effort.
"When you join the party," he
asid, "we expect that you will
support it, not necessarily
financially, but that you will come
to our meetings and contribute
intellectually to our movement."
"For example," he added, "if 1
was running for some statewidt
office, the people of Racine and
Kenosha locals would support mj
candidacy and circulate petitions
to get me on the ballot, or woulc
work on my behalf to build £
presence for the campaign."
"We do assume that when yoi
join the movement, you do it witl
the commitment to support it,'
Ingbretson said.
Fall Blood Drive
The Blood Center of
Southeastern Wisconsin will hold
the Parkside Fall Blood Drive
Tuesday, Nov. 2, from 9a.m. -3:30
p.m. in Union 104. This is a walk -
in blood drive — appointments are
not necessary.
College donors are extremely
important to the Blood Center.
Approximately 400 pints of blood
must be collected every day in
order to keep the supply in
Southeastern Wisconsin at
adequate levels. About 80 percent
of these units come from mobile
blood drives, such as the one at
Parkside. The other 20 percent
comes from donors who go to The
Blood Center's Driving Stations in
Milwaukee, Waukesha, Racine
and Kenosha.
The Fall Blood Drive is sponsored
by the Student Health
Center and the Life Science Club.
Photo by Masood Shafiq
Currently, the Socialist
Democratic party is generally
trying to redistribute the nation's
wealth among the working class,
one of their central tenets.
Specifically, the party advocates
employment by the government
when private industry fails to
provide jobs, more emphasis on
social services spending, rather
than spending by the military, and
a centralized health care system.
The party sees a nuclear freeze
and environmental protection as
important issues as well.
Speaking of the administration's
efforts to shift the
nation's workforce into higher
technology fields, Ingbretson said,
"reeducation of the workers won't
have any effect."
Women's Resource Day
Women's Resource Day has
been set aside to inform
students of the various
organizations and services
available to them in the
community as well as on
campus. The day's goal is to
help students find out who to go
to if they are in need of a
service. The program will
convene at 1 p.m. and last until
3 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 27.
Within the two hours, students
will be able to stop, ask
questions and gain information
from the representatives of
The organizations planning
to attend are: Alumni and
Placement, American Cancer
Society, Child Care Center,
Community Student Services,
Health Center, Peer Support -
Students Helping Students,
Adult Crisis Center, Alcohol
and Drug Center, Bread and
Roses, Family Planning of
Racine, Family Services of
Racine, Kenoshans Against
Sexual Assault, Life Right of
Kenosha, Manpower Temp.
Service, Planned Parenthood
of Kenosha, Women's Horizons
of Kenosha, Women's
Resource Center of Racine,
Youth and Family Services,
WIC and YWCA. Take some
time to stop and talk on the
2 Thursday, October 21,1982 RANGER
Make them pay
The United States government finally seems to be doing something
about all those people who have failed to repay their college loans. Many
students have a problem obtaining a government student loan, simply
because there is very little left in the pot to dish out due to the fact that
many people have neglected to repay their loans.
The people who have received loans in the past have an obligation to
pay back what was once given them. Many of them wouldn't be in their
present positions if they had not been given loans when they were in
school. By abusing the privilege of a college loan, it is only made more
difficult for the present college students to fight through today's loan
Maybe by threatening these people with lawsuits, or reclaiming their
cars, an example can be set to make others fulfill their obligation to
repay their loans. Education Secretary Terrel Bell said his department
will start to dock the pay of employees who have failed to repay student
loans. The crackdown at hand is overdue, and certainly necessary.
When it comes time for the people presently receiving loans to pay
them back, maybe it won't be such a chore for the government to
receive what is rightly theirs to loan out again.
Letters to the editor
To the Editor:
On September 30,1982, Congress
renewed the Endangered Species
Act for three more years. They
appropriated $38 million dollars
for the act, which was renewed
one day earlier than expected.
The wishes of the people have
presided once again, for the
Reagan administration had only
wanted to renew the act for one
Parkside students contributed
to the renewal of the Endangered
Species Act by signing petitions
supporting the legislation. Thanks
to Jim Kreuser, Phil Pogreba, and
other members of PSGA, those
petitions were printed and
distributed around Parkside and
other United Council campuses in
the University of Wisconsin
system. A special thank you
should go to Pat Hensiak, editor of
Parkside's Ranger, for handling
the mailing of the petitions. And of
course, all the people who cared
enough to sign the petition must be
included in another big THANK
C.B. and the animals
Kovalic criticized
To the Editor:
Sexism has struck the Ranger in
the form of the poisonous pen of
John Kovalic. This person in his
satire on "Life at Ranger Hall"
has asked this question:
"How long does it take for the
first female to shack up on the
male floor?"
In asking this question he is
placing women in the role of sex
objects and expressing his own
His question is not only sexist,
distasteful and insulting, it is also
anti - humanist. His remark is an
insult, not only to the women of
this campus, but to the men also.
His crass reference to personal
relationships may reflect his own
biases, but I doubt that the
majority of the students at
Parkside have such a synical
attitude toward their own
Since sexism and racism are
usually two sides of the same coin,
I have to wonder whether or not
his next 'satire' will spew forth
this poison as well. In a time when
many people are expending a
great deal of energy trying to
work out such difficulties as
human inequality, Kovalic's
question seems totally repugnant.
His attitude is degrading to
himself as well as o thers.
I can only suggest Kovalic give
up his diet of beer and tortilla
chips, confine himself to bread
and water and then return, pen in
hand, to whatever rock he crawled
out from under.
M.E. Marten
Writer's reply
John Kovalic replies:
I am sorry that one comment of
my last article, labeled, by the
way, as SATIRE, was taken so
very seriously. However, I must
state my repugnance as being
labeled both a sexist and, for some
unknown reason, a racist. I was
extremely surprised, to say the
least, that someone could assume
so much on the basis of one
humorous comment, and then act
as judge and jury in condemning
me as an anti - humanist.
Maybe I could reply that Ms.
Martin is perhaps an anti -
humorist? But I will not sink to
her level of mud - slin ging, and I
shall assume that the above letter
was written in the heat of the
If Ms. Martin had ever lived in a
dorm, she should have been able
to have seen the humor in the
article. Incidently, both female
and male residents of the YMCA
told me they thought the article
was both well presented and very
Probably the one accurate fact
in the leter is that I am an egotist.
Anybody has to be to have work
published. However, to brand me
as sexist, anti - humanist and
racist, and then to stoop to such a
personal, immature and almost
infantile level of attack just
makes me wonder if she is
perhaps as biased as those she
purports to fight.
In conclusion, next time you
read an article of mine, Ms.
Martin, I suggest you think about
it, get your facts right, then try to
appreciate it in the light of how it
was written.
(Also try to get my name
correct, please.)
John Kovalic
in government..
Editor's notes
There's a lot here
by Pat Hensiak
The ball seems to be rolling
rather smoothly through the
semester. There hasn't been a
war, and people seem to be trying
to get along. P.S.G.A. has been
working quite diligently on
passing what is necessary, and
making the school a more functional
place for those who frequent
it. They passed two proposals, and
one new set of guidelines this past
week. Of course, that doesn't
mean that the proposals or the
guidelines are totally functional,
but at least it's a start. They seem
to be moving in a positive
People are doing new things.
Bruce Preston has just started his
new column. This week he
features a woman he just met, and
relates her personal experiences
to the labels we often put on
people. I'm sure Bruce will introduce
a lot of interesting people
through his columns. People who
have something to offer without
really knowing it.
The soccer team hasn't been
doing anything new this week,
they're still winning. They locked
out Northland this past week 9-0.
The soccer team is still nationally
ranked, in the top 10.
The Socialist Democratic Party
has been making an attempt to
start a chapter here on campus,
story on page 1. If you're interested
in the Socialist
Democratic party — get involved.
People are having a bit of a
problem with John Kovalic's
writing. He is most certainly a
satirical writer. More than not, his
articles are fiction, with the intention
of trying to find some bit of
humor in a particular subject.
John does an article this week
on the famous "Dartman." For
over a year I knew this man only
as "Dartman." It came to me in a
dream one night, that his parents
couldn't have possibly named him
that. As the editor of this paper I
realized that Dartman must have
another name. A real name. And
he does.
Don't forget about the Women's
Resource Day, Wednesday Oct.
27! A lot of organizations will be
present at this event to help
students realize all that is
available to help them in a time of
need. From 1 until 3 p.m. on the
27th, students will have the opportunity
to learn more about all
of these organizations.
On Monday night, the
Netherlands Chamber Orchestra
appeared at Parkside for a one
time only performance. For those
who were fortunate enough to see
it, it was the opportunity of a
lifetime. The exactness and
perfection that the group offered
was incredible. There was more to
it than just the perfect sound
though. It was as if the orchestra
really enjoyed what they had tr
offer. Even if he t audience had not
enjoyed the performance, the
people doing the performing were
having a good time; they really
liked what they were doing. It
made a big difference. Maybe
that's the nice part about live
performance. The audience can
really feel the emotion that goes
into it.
To be honest, who would have
ever thought that such an excellent
show could be put on here,
at our very own Parkside??? Who
would have thought a group
known internationally for its
grand performance would have
made a stopover for a Parkside
performance? Throughout the
intermission, people in the crowd
and around my seat talked about
the wide variety of things
Parkside offers. From sports to
fine arts, from on - campus
student organizations to a broad
build of community events.
The biggest problem is arousing
the interest of the people who
attend Parkside daily. They seem
to be the hardest to please. Never
quite satisfied with what this
University offers. It really does
offer a lot, but people have to look
for it. They have to discover their
interests. Finding interests is part
of the whole experience. Maybe
find a friend to share the interests
with. Go ahead — find a rief nd and
an interest, and learn all about the
things Parkside has to offer.
Ranger accepting
stories, poems
Are you a creative person? Do
you like to write? Is your life
illuminated through the reading
and writing of poetry and prose?
Can you spell your name? If so,
then bring your short stories and
poetry to the Ranger office. We
just might print what you write.
Yes, that's right. In this very
Feature Section we plan to publish
short stories and poetry by
Parkside students every couple of
weeks. All we need are the stories
and poems from you. The
guidelines for submissions follow:
1) All submissions should be
typed, double - spaced. (They
don't have to be, but it would be
2) All submissions should include
your name and phone
number. We don't have to print
your name with your story, but we
Continued On Page Three
Regents approve tuition hike
The University of Wisconsin
Board of Regents approved a
budget proposal Oct. 8 calling for
tuition hikes of up to $95 in the next
two years for resident undergraduate
The budget proposal must still
be approved by the state
Department of Administration
and the legislature.
The proposal, submitted by the
U.S. system administration, calls
for a tuition increase of $50 - 60 for
1983-84 and $30 - 35 fo r 1984-85 in
resident undergraduate tuition.
Some of the Regents expressed
concern with the traditional
student contribution of 25 perce nt
of the university budget. The
precedent was affected in 1980,
when the state's fiscal condition
prompted students to pay a surcharge.
This year students contribute
27.3 percent of the
university budget, and the 1983-85
budget request calls for a 27
percent contribution by students.
"The reduction of tuition levels
from 27.3 percent to 27 percent is
certainly a step in the right
direction," remarked Scott
Bentley, president of the United
Council of U.W. Student Governments.
"But this is a very small
step. At this rate, assuming tuition
levels were reduced by .3 percent
each biennium, the University will
have returned to the 25 pe rcent
level by 1995."
Pat Hensiak
Bob Kiesling
Tony Rogers
Tori Murray
Masood Shafiq
Norm Couture
Andy Buchanan
Mike Farreli
Jeff Wicks
Jolene Torkilsen
News Editor
Feature Editor
Sports Editor
Photo Editor
Copy Editor
Business Manager
Ad Manager
Distribution Manager
Assistant Business Manager
' Caro1 Bwns, Pat Cumbie, Dan Dowhower,
Cliff Flowers, Michael Kailas, Stephen Kalmar II, Carol
Kortendick, John Kovalic, Rick Luehr, Robb Luehr, Laura
Petersen, Jennie Tunkieicz.
parkside and they are
RANGERfsDHn^bv^ u
he academic vear except during breaks and holidays,
Written^oe mTssT^i^Inni^l°.
n Coopera,ive Polishing Co., Kenosha, Wisconsin, vvrnien permission is required for reprint of anv oortion nf banrfo
parskt sr
* °
f wisconsin
Names will be withheld for valid reasons.
reserves a°l IriitTrja'l*
3 P ?' •
r publica,ion °n Thursday. The RANGER
defamatory content Pr,Vllefles in re,us
'"9 P"nt letters which contain false or
RANGER Thursday, October 21,1982 3
Clinic People on Campus treats eating disorders
by Jennie Tunkieicz
Eating disorders, such as
compulsive overeating, anorexia
nervosa and bulimia are serious
dilemas for many teenagers and
young adults. The Family
Therapy and Research Institute in
Kenosha can help people overcome
these problems.
The institute is primarily
funded through a contract with
Kenosha County where area
families are referred for consultation
and therapy. Karen
Schultz, a social worker, and Ed
Jessee, a clinical psychologist,
staff the organization. Both have
had previous experience in
working with eating disorders.
Anorexia, which is the most
publicized disorder, is where a
person abstains from eating.
Often, an anorexic has a distorted
image of his or her self and
believes they need to lose weight
— even when they have reached a
very thin and emaciated state.
Most recently people are
becoming aware of bulimia. This
disorder is characterized by a
binge and purge pattern where the
person over - eats then
regurgitates or takes laxatives to
remove food from their system.
Bulimia can cause physical
complications. Continued
vomiting causes acids to come up
through the asophogus which
breaks down tissues and can also
rot teeth.
"I think the reason bulimia has
taken longer to become
recognized is because it is a more
secretive problem," said Schultz,
"and it can be kept a secret even
from family members."
No single factor creates these
problems. These problems can
occur in anyone.
"We as an outfit tend to take a
contextual view of problems.
What often leads to these
problems is a feeling of n ot being
in control," Schultz said. "We try
to help the individual by looking at
their situation and helping them
gain more control over their life so
they won't have to resort to such
drastic measures," she added.
Schultz feels that culture
promotes these problems because
of the strong emphasis on food,
eating and weight control. Also,
families with many rituals involving
food can make these
problems more prevalent.
The treatment process used by
the institute is to meet with the
individual and their families.
"The family can help the person
change their situation," said
Schultz. "We look for the important
people and other factors in
their environment that might be
affecting and creating these
problems," she added.
Schultz concluded, "It may
begin to feel like it is impossible to
stop this pattern of eating, but it is
not something that can't be
changed. We believe that by
helping the person change their
situation and context of their life
the problem can be stopped."
Law school
rep to
speak here
Professor Dan Morrissey from
the University of Tulsa Law
School will be visiting UW -
Parkside on Thursday, October 28
at 10:30 in Molinaro 367. He is
interested in talking to students
interested in attending the
University of Tulsa Law School.
All interested students should
contact Prof. Sue Strickler in
Moln. 263 or at 553-2600 for further
With fire, preparation is the
by Vincent Gigliotti
Fire! The mere thought of fire
may cause fear in even the
strongest of individuals. Fire is a
very traumatic experience for
anyone involved. Safety of the
individual is by far the major
concern during a fire. Property is
replaceable, people are not!
Although Parkside has never
had a major fire, that does not
mean that we are not prepared.
Fire Protection Procedure
manuals are distributed to all
faculty. The Somers Fire
Department makes regular visits
to the campus to keep their personnel
aware of bu ilding locations
and layout. Custodial personnel
are informed of their duties in
aiding people evacuate the
buildings. All faculty and staff
should be aware of the procedures
involved in case of f ire.
But what should you, the
student, know and be aware of in
case of a fire? Because of the
varied times and places students
are on campus, fire drills would be
impractical. It is the responsibility
of each student to be
aware of his or her surroundings.
As you attend classes, be conscious
of the locations of the
nearest exits, stairs, fire alarm
pull boxes and fire extinguishers.
Every student should be aware of
these, wherever they are on
campus. It only takes a minute to
locate the nearest exit if you plan
ahead. In an emergency, panic
may make finding an exit more
Ranger accepting
stories, poems
Continued From Page Two
might have to get in touch with
you about your submission, so
include your number.
3) Short stories should be just
that — short. Preferably no more
than ten typed pages.
4) This is not a contest —
nothing will be judged. This is
simply an opportunity for students
to have their creative literary
efforts published in the Ranger.
5) Ranger reserves the right to
select submissions, but we'll
probably print anything you have
to offer.
6) There is no deadline — I pl an
to run stories and poems all year,
but to have something considered
Continued On Page Five
If you notice a fire starting, pull
the nearest fire alarm box. If an
office is nearby, tell someone to
call Security. If you are near a
phone that is safe from the fire,
call Security. Give the location of
the fire, building and room
number, if possible. Inform
anyone you see of the fire and
evacuate the building.
If there are no phones available,
pull the fire alarm and leave.
There are people in each building
who are instructed to call Security
when they hear an alarm.
Once you hear a fire alarm,
evacuate the building immediately.
Don't stop to pick up
personal belongings. Property can
be replaced. Once outside the
building, never go back until so
instructed. People are often injured
returning to a burning
building. When you are outside,
stay away from the building until
the all - clear signal is given.
When evacuating a building use
the stairs, never an elevator. The
fire may stop the electricity to the
elevator, leaving you trapped
Orderly evacuation is much
faster than mass confusion. If
there is smoke in the hallway, stay
near the floor. If t he stairs on one
side of the building are blocked,
proceed to the other side of the
If you are in a wheelchair, try to
get near the stairs. Do not place
the wheelchair in the center of th e
by Bruce R. Preston
Too many people today suffer
from the all - too - easy disease of
labeling others because of their
beliefs or outside appearances.
"Handicapped", "Woman" and
"single parent" are just a few
labels stuck onto Elizabeth Perry,
yet she transcends mere
description and most definately
any of the se petty, superficial tags
many people place upon her.
Elizabeth is a junior with a
communication and psychology
double major. She'd like to work
with organizational behavior with
an emphasis on marketing.
At home, she is raising a bright,
talented 15 - year - old daughter
named Lisa. Lisa is, according to
her mother, being brought up in
a very democratic environment
which is not unlike that of her own.
As I talked with Elizabeth I
came to realize that she defies any
traditional label through her
constant state of change, which
she equates with growth. "Staying
the same frightens me more than
anything else," she commented.
"I really find life exciting," she
continued, "especially the
challenges." Not only does she
want to experience the daily
stairs, stay to one side. Someone
running to the stairs may knock
you down the stairs. Anyone who
comes across a disabled person
should take the time to assist them
in getting out of the building.
Be alert for the signs of a fire.
Don't become complacent! Not
every fire alarm is a false alarm.
The time you don't leave the
building could be a real fire and
you could be trapped inside.
challenges but she wants to leave
her mark. "I have to know I'll
make a difference or you couldn't
even get me out of bed in the
School is important to
Elizabeth, not only for the
academic reasons but because it
offers everyone a chance to
escape their social tag. "Your
label can really be lost here," she
remarked. "You become a new
person facing new problems."
When away from school, she
enjoys old movies, jazz, rock,
classical music, gardening and
getting zany. She likes things to be
controlled to some extent yet
welcomes surprises. "We all have
a searching need for stability,"
she stated. "Yet, we need to
change in order to grow."
It is this delicate mixture of
stability and change which
characterizes and becomes
Elizabeth. "Sometimes you find
out something you always thought
was important was just superficial,"
she said. "You constantly
have to refocus and re-evaluate
your values."
"I may stop fluctuating," she
said in reference to growing old,
"but I will always leave myself
open to change."
Sure she's just another face in
the hall, but it's her dynamic
independence, her love for life,
and her active refusal to conform
to social labels that make
Elizabeth Perry stand out in the
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Computer Center
The Computer Center has scheduled three information
sessions for students, faculty and staff who
use UW - Parkside's Instructional and Research
Timesharing System (PIRTS) or the IBM academic
computing system.
The main idea of the sessions is to make available
regular times when users can get together informally
with the Center's Operations Manager, Academic
Consultant and Systems Programmer and discuss
users' questions, suggestions and concerns.
The 2nd and 3rd sessions will be held in the MOLN -
111 faculty lounge on:
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27, 1 -2:30 p. m.
MONDAY, NOV. 22,9 - 10:30a. m.
Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to attend
any or all of the sessions.
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4 Thursday, October 21,1982 RANGER
CSub Events
Inter Varsity Christian
Fellowship will hold a social
meeting Wednesday, Oct. 27, at 1
p. m. in Union 207. This is a good
time to get to know each other
better through sharing and fun.
We are also looking forward to
our special speaker Lazaro Uribe,
who will be with us Wednesday,
Nov. 3, to speak on "The Sting of
Dance Ensemble
The Parkside Dance Ensemble
workouts will be Monday, Wednesday
and Friday starting at 1
p.m. The room has been changed
to Comm Arts 140. The Ensemble
is open to all students, staff and
faculty. Participants are advised
to wear dance attire.
Physics Colloquium
John Jones, a Parkside physics
student, will speak at the next
Physics Colloquium Wednesday,
Oct. 27. The talk is entitled "The
Physics of F lying," and will be at
1 p. m. in Greenquist 230.
Accounting Club
Tickets for the Manager's
Dinner are now being sold in
Molinaro Hall. The ticket booth
will be open Monday through
Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and
Tuesday and Thursday evenings,
4 - 7 p.m. Tickets are $10. They
may also be purchased from any
Accounting Club officer. The
dinner will be Monday, Nov. 15.
The Main speaker will be
Fredrick Kraegel, a CPA partner
from Pest, Marwick, Mitchell and
The Accounting Club is also
sponsoring a workshop called
"Interviewing: the Office Visit"
Friday, Oct. 29 at 1 p.m. in Union
104. Jim Szorcsick from the Accounting
firm Deliotte, Haskins
and Sells will tell you what to
expect at the second interview.
Refreshments will be served.
Chemistry Club
On Friday, Oct. 22 at 1 p.m., the
Chemistry Club will hold a
membership drive party in Union
104. All members and prospective
members are invited. Soda and
popcorn will be served.
The club will meet Monday,
Nov. 1, at 1 p.m. in Greenquist D101.
Friday afternoon, Nov. 12 is
the Miller Brewery tour. Sign up
at the meeting on Nov. 1.
Art Addicts
A bus trip to Madison has been
scheduled for Friday, Oct. 29 to
see the Edward Munch exhibition
at the Elvehjem Museum. The bus
will leave from the CART lot at
8:30 a.m. and return at 5 p.m.
Admission to the museum is free.
Bus fare is $5.50 and payable in
the Fine Arts office.
The Edible Art Bake Sale will be
Monday, Oct. 15, from 9 a.m. to 4
p.m. Proceeds will go to cash
prizes for the Student Art Show. So
come over and "eat your art out."
Geology Colloquium
'U ' /(rL. . fcTflV vvis<
Bar and Grill
17 OZ. B OT TLE OF MICH EL OB, $1.00
2325 - 52nd Street, Kenosha, Wis.
Women in Business
Women in Business will hold a
Bake Sale Wednesday, Oct. 27,
from 8 a. m. to 2 p. m. There will
be lots of good things to eat and
even some healthy snacks. The
sale will be in the Bookstore
Scholarship help
^ Dr. M. G. Mudrey of the
cS&P Wisconsin Geological and Natural
History Survey will lecture
Friday, Oct. 22, in Greenquist 113
p. m.
G.J.R. Productions Presents:
Appearing at: Memorial Hall, 72 Seventh St.,
Racine, Wis.
Date: Friday, October 22, 1982
Admission: $9.50 Advance - $12 At Door
Show Time: 7:30 P. M. —10:00 P. M.
Tickets Available At:
Beautiful Day Records & Tapes, 422 Main St., Racine
Sound & Video Warehouse, Westgate Mall, Racine
Tic Toe Club, 2719 - 60th St., Kenosha
Betty's Barber Shop, 424 Main St., Racine
Bojangle's, 1845 West Racine, Racine
Now is the time to plan your
financing of next year's schooling.
In addition to government and
other public aid, many supplemental
private scholarships,
grants and loans are available to
college students.
How does one find out about
these aids?
There are basically two
alternatives — research the
alternatives oneself or pay
someone else to complete the
Both the UW - Parkside library
Thursday, Oct. 28, in Moln 213 at 8
p. m. Refreshments will be served
during an informal question and
answer period.
Physics Club
The Physics Club will meet
Monday, Oct. 25, at 1 p. m. in
Greenquist 230. The club is a
group of students interested in
physics, math and astronomy. We
tour government labs - bring in
speakers and do other things of
interest. This year we will be
going to the Fermi National Accelerator
Laboratory, the
Argonne National Lab, Zion
Nuclear Training Reactor and a
few other places.
Anyone can join the physics
club. If interested, come to the
meeting Monday and see Dr.
Luzader in Greenquist 235.
Data Processing Club
The Data Processing club is
sponsoring two speakers who
graduated from Parkside last
semester. Chuck McMahan and
John Schmidt were both hired by
Northwestern Mutual Life and
have had over 35 interviews
between them, both on and off
campus. Chuck and John will
discuss these interviews and give
ideas of the role and future of men
and women in the field.
The presentation will be
»>:i »>;«»:«»:»»>
»!•!«»!*!« I5!I I5!i »!•!« »!t« •!•!« »!•!« >T> i"i "i »!•!«»!•%
II. W.-Parkside
Dr. Russell J. Reiter of the
University of Texas at San Antonio's
Health Science Center will
talk on the pineal gland. There is
evidence that, in humans, the
pineal gland contributes to the
onset of puberty, and is responsible
for certain forms of mental
illness. The seminar will be
Friday, Oct. 22 i n Greenquist 103
at 1 p.m. The seminar is open to
the public.
N ill I I K M V N S
/ You've
'2;' '£« 'g' 'ii' »;•;« »;•:« »;•;« »;•;
!3!i i!J!I i7!i »5!i »!•!» ISM.M »!•!» »!•!« »!•!« »!•;«
and financial aids office have
copies of publications which list
private sources of financing
educational costs. One should also
check with family members and
parents, local civic organizations
and businesses.
The second alternative involves
using a firm which specializes in
compiling financial aids listings.
These firms do not have exclusive
listings, but they can offer a busy
student a legitimate shortcut to
searching by oneself. According to
a UW - Parkside financial aids
spokesperson, a search firm will
usually require a fee of about $45.
The firm will provide the
student applicant with a list of
financial aids alternatives for
which the applicant is eligible
according to major, rank in class
and other information which is
provided to the search firm. The
student must still apply to each
individual source.
One such firm is The Scholarship
Bank. According to the
director of that private search
service, more than 1,350 new
scholarships will be available to
college students — primarily
undergraduates — n ext year. For
more information about The
Scholarship Bank services, send a
self - addressed, stamped,
business - size envelope to 10100
Santa Monica Blvd., #750, Los
Angeles, CA 90067.
how to love
''E n h a n c i ng Lovi ng
Relationships" will be the theme
of a four - session, non - credit
course to be offered Tuesdays
from Oct. 26 to Nov. 16 from 6:30
to 9:30 p.m. at Parkside in
Molinaro Hall Room D-128. The
class is being offered by the
Parkside Office of Educational
Joe Longo, who will teach the
course, said it "is designed to
build on an already existing base
people have in their ability to
share positive feelings. Love is a
learned art and response. Like
anything else, to get better at it
you have to learn more about it. A
person cannot live whatever they
do not dedicate themselves to. In
order to dedicate yourself to love
you must forever be growing in
Longo is a special education
teacher for the Racine Unified
School District. He has attended
three presentations by Leo
Buscaglia, a California teacher
and author of the best seller book,
"Living, Loving and Learning,"
and also attended a "Love in the
'80s" workshop.
Pre - registration is required for
the class and can be made by
calling the Education Office at
553-2351. The fee is $20.
NOV. 10, 1982
From 2:00 - 5 :00 pm. in the Union Square
Anyone wanting to take part please contact the P.A.B. office
at 553-2650
before Oct. 28th!
NOTE: Groups wanting to perform must be small.
Thursday, October 21,1982
So it goes
A bull's
by John Kovalic
All right, campers. Sit down.
Stay calm. Don't panic. Apparently,
with my last few articles,
(three to be exact) a lot of
you out there took what I said to be
kosher. The real McCoy. Totally
You believed it.
That's right. It wasn't true.
Not a word of it.
Jeeez, don't you feel STUPID?
There was no conversation with
any Wargamers, nor Physicists.
Nor is there a Professor Stein out
there trying to discover life at the
YMCA. Sure had you fooled, huh?
Now, you say, why the heck (or
words to that effect) do I go and
reveal all this when I had you
right in the palm of my hands?
Because this week's article is
actually, one - hundred percent,
total, truth! That's it! Not one
word of falsehood. Not one
paragraph misleading, not one
syllable a dupe.
This is it, guys n' gals.
What, you ask, can be of such
national, nay, world - shattering
importance, that I halt my personal
vendetta against all that
may be called a veritie!
You may well ask.
Now, like I said, sit down, lest
the excitement becomes too much
for you.
Sitting comfortably?
Then I'll begin.
This week, as you may well
have already guessed, I shall
discuss none other than our very
own, Parkside DART TEAM.
(Stop yawning!)
* * *
The Parkside Dart Team is a
competitive sport and social (not
necessarily in that order)
-eye bull session with Parkside's 'Dartman
organization that is suffering from
an image problem.
Or, to be more specific, a lack of
an image problem.
You see, they have one
seemingly insurmountable,
No one takes them seriously.
It was in an effort to turn this
situation around that I obtained
the following interview with the
'in de facto' head of said
organization, the one, the only,
Dartman, aka Nick Thome.
Yes, that's right. Yes, I d id say
Dartman. Yes, I did say this was
all on the level. No, don't stop
reading. I need the money.
"Why is it that you feel that you
are the focus for ridicule? Or,
should I say, the Dart Team is the
focus of?"
"Well, first of a ll, I want to just
say that the majority of those that
jest at the expense of the UWPDT
(UW - Parkside Dart Team) are in
fact, non - members."
"Could you give me an example?"
"One such non - member is
Steve Kalmar, the current SOC
"Why in particular the
illustrious Mr. Kalmar?"
"Recently, at the last SOC
banquet, Mr. Kalmar introduced
us as, and I quote, 'The newest
and most subversive group on
campus.' " (I could trace a tad of
bitterness in my host's tone.) In
my opinion, such unsubstantiated
untruths cannot do any good in the
promotion of a student
organization's image."
"Well, I could see where that
would be a problem . . . What
exactly does the UWPDT consist
"The Parkside Dart Team
consists of three separate, distinct
groups. First of all, there is the
Dart Team proper ..."
"Of course."
"Then, there is the Dart Team
cheerleading squad."
"Cheerleading squad?
"That's right. You see, we get
all these girls and ... "
"No, no, that's O.K. I know what
cheerleading is. It's just that I was
rather . . . uh . . . surprised."
"Well, actually, at the moment,
we're a bit short on that section.
Last years' squad was much more
numerous. In fact, if any of your
readers wants to become a
cheerleader, female or male, they
should contact Tony Rogers at the
Ranger office."
"He's the chairman of the Dart
Team Cheerleader Selection
Committee, of course."
"Of course."
"The Dart Team Support
Committees, by the way, make up
the third section of t he Dart Team
"Yes, but let me get on with the
team first. The team itself is a
squad of five people that play
English 301 darts against other
UW schools. At this date, you may
be interested to know, UWPDT is
undefeated in open competition."
"But you didn't actually play
anyone last year."
"True, but we feel that is only a
minor factor in our success."
"The cheerleading squads are
groups of five people each, one
male, one female. They are
present at all matches, and
provide moral support. The final
section of the whole team are the
seven standing committees."
WED. & FRI. Bring UW-P I.D.
Playing A Variety of Music
for Your Listening and Dancing Pleasure.
3931 - 45th St. 657-3101
"Could you tell me what they
"Sure. First of all, there's the
Public Relations Committee, who
are responsible for advertising.
Or lack of same. They also handle
communication from the team to
our school."
"Vital, I'm sure."
"You'd be surprised. Then
there's the Tournament Committee,
who handles all the Dart
Team sponsored competitive
events, such as last years' First
Annual April Fool's Day Tricycle
Race. The Social Committee is
responsible for the organization
and execution of all social
"Or parties."
"Exactly. You're catching on."
"The Fund - Raising Committee
is self - explanatory. The Judging
Committee, by far our most
popular, chooses the cheerleading
squads. The Activities Committee
organizes all other committees,
and finally there is the Antagonism
Committee. They are in
charge of writing provocative and
intimidating material and sending
it to any opposing teams that we
may compete against."
"Aha! Sort of dispiriting to any
team unlucky enough to find itself
playing you."
"So true. In fact, the Antagonism
Committee is sponsoring
our Nasty Letter Writing
"I thought that would have been
up to the Tournament Committee."
"Oh, shut up."
* * *
The Dart Team's policies are
very simple:
(1) To get as many people involved
with as little bureaucracy
as possible. (Yes, I know it doesn't
make sense either.)
(2) To have at least one party a
month to get members familiar
with each other (and to consume
fair amounts of alcohol.)
So, if you like being active in an
inactive sort of way, and want
Parkside to be less boring, then
sign up! (The UWPDT has no
membership fees and doesn't plan
on having any in the forseeable
Note: The ability to play darts is
NOT a prerequisite of membership.
Which is why I was accepted
as a member.
Boy, I can't wait 'till next week
when I get to make up this baloney
Ranger accepting
stories, poems
Continued From Page Three
for a particular Thursday issue of
Ranger, it must be submitted the
preceeding Friday.
7) You will retain all rights to
whatever you submit, whether we
print it in the Ranger or not.
8) We may have to edit your
story for punctuation, but we will
call you first. We won't change the
content of what you write.
9) It would be a good idea to
make a photocopy of yo ur story —
we may be able to return your
submission, but it will have marks
on the copy.
10) This is also open to all
Parkside faculty and staff.
The Ranger
Needs Staffers!
6 Thursday, October 21, 1982 RANGER
Burned up
Are cetaceans singing songs to Satan?
by by CCaro arol l Bur Burns ns can provide countless hours of whale noises sound remarkat
Modern - day research tries to
avoid the situation of creating
devils workshops via idle minds.
They have come up with many
very necessary items, including
padded toilet seats, inside - the -
egg scramblers, and gold - plated
toothpicks. One of the branches of
that research is not development
of new products, but the study of
existing elements of life.
Chemists, physicists, and
biologists really get off on that
sort of thing. Examination and
analysis of sewage runoff, soap -
bubble geometry, and living
organisms found in stump water
l C-ftue" s usrn
fl*J CXfENSlvje bo*
op chocolate-";
can provide countless hours of
adventure for them. These people
get especially excited when their
research has a practical aspect.
The recently - ordained
Professor Grisley is an example of
such a person. He's been studying
the sounds of whales for several
years. After traveling the oceans
and making hundreds of tapes,
he's found that those mammals
have a patterned set of noises
which can be likened to a regular
When played at normal speeds,
the sounds whales produce are
eerie. If the speed at which the
tapes are played is increased, the
whale noises sound remarkably
like bird songs.
Professor Grisley was enchanted
with that whole idea until
one day he happened to play a
tape backwards. It was to be the
most startling discovery of his
life. Satanic messages were encoded
in the tapes!
Now we have knowledge of the
true wickedness afoot. This could
prove to be a breakthrough for all
those wishing to purge evil from
the earth. It will give new life to
the "Nuke the Whales" campaign.
Because of their recognizable
intelligence, whales must
naturally be the commandos of
by John Kovalic
the rest of the animal kingdom.
God only knows how long it will be
before they all rise up and take
over the human race.
We have to prepare for this. The
obvious evil in the world must be
stopped. The only answer is to
completely annihilate the animal
We'll show 'em. There can't
possibly be any demons left to
undermine the human race once
the animals are gone. We'll all be
saved, thanks to Professor
Grisley. Who knows, someday he
might even make saint.
Reeves to speak on McCarthy
I FEE-L GIDDr losr
D+iRJKiMCr ftfiour Hec
UILBuR. I Cflu'r trPiT
NEB* I GO SHA^er Fwo
SRefuc our ik) r cold
Some thirty years ago the junior
Senator from the state of
Wisconsin, Joe McCarthy, burst
onto the American scene with an
anti - communist campaign that
polarized the nation and eventually
came to symbolize an entire
Was Joe McCarthy an ardent
defender of all we hold dear or
was he, as most historians have
pictured, "the most wicked of
Thomas Reeves, Professor of
History at the University of
Wisconsin - Parkside, will look at
both sides of the McCarthy
question at the Golden Rondelle
Theater in Racine on Wednesday,
Nov. 3, at 7 p.m.
Reeves is the author of The Life
and Times of Joe McCarthy, a
biography that has been
nationally recognized and acclaimed.
Publishers Weekly said
of the book: "Make no mistake: at
awards time, this excitingly
readable biography will be
remembered . . . This may be as
nearly definitive a biography as
A.multi-image presentation of the marketing and advertising strategies that have catamite
Ml Her Brewing Company from seventh place in the beer industry to second place todav Th
entertaining program is free and open to the public.
u P'ace today. This
Date: October 26th
Time: 2:00 p. m..
Location: Union Cinema
Presented by:
Pi Sigma Epsilon and The
Miller Brewing Company This presentation has
been rescheduled to 2: oo p. m.
we will ever have." Reeves has
appeared on Good Morning
America and on William
Buckley's Firing Line and
recently completed a national tour
for the book.
Reservations for this program
are requested and can be made by
calling 631-2154. There is no admission
charge. The Golden
Rondelle Theater is located in
Racine at the corner of 14th and
Franklin Streets.
"War" to
The band "War" will appear in
concert at Racine's Memorial
Hall tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m.
Admission is $9.50 for advance
tickets, and $12 at the door. In
Kenosha, tickets can be bought at
the Tic Toe Club, 2719 - 60th St.,
and in Racine, tickets can be
purchased at Beautiful Day
Records and Tapes, 422 M&in St.,
and Sound and Video Warehouse
at the Westgate Mall.
10:00 a m - 4.-00 pm
• Jube Jells
• Licorice Bully
• Malted Milk Balls
• Milk Carmels
• Orange Slices
• Peanut Butter Chip
• Peanut Clusters
• Peppermint Kisses
• Rootbeer Barrels
• Sour Balls
• Spearment Leaves
• Starlite Mints
• Carmel Targets
• Cinnamon Discs
• Candy Pops
• Corn Nuts
• Assorted Perky
• Assorted Royal
• Assorted Toffee
• Bridge Mix
• Burndt Peanuts
• Butterscotch Discs
• Candy Coffee Discs
• Carmel Bully
• Chocolate Drops
• Chocolate Jots
• Chocolate Peanuts
• Chocolate Raisins
• Chocolate Stars
• Jelly Beans
• California Mix
• Caribbean Delicacy
• Carob Malted Milk Ball:
• Carob Raisins
• Carob Peanuts
• Natural Pistachio
• Red Pistachio
• Spanish Peanuts
• Sunflower Seeds
• Student Food Mix
• Yogurt Malted Milk Ball
• Yogurt Peanuts
• Yogurt Raisins
• Yogurt Sesame Brittle
Smoked Almonds whole
RANGER Thursday, October 21,1982
Men's Soccer
Rangers improve record
by Pat Hensiak
Parkside's Soccer team is
holding onto this season's winning
tradition. On Wednesday, Oct. 13,
Parkside beat Lake Forest 2-o!
Andy Buchanan and Don Theisen
scored the goals and both were
assisted by Kim Jensen. This is
the first time the Rangers have
come home from Lake Forest
"That was a good win for us,"
commented Coach Hal Henderson.
"We hadn't won there yet,
and they've played a couple of
other rank ball teams. In the long
run, this victory will improve our
Henderson said that part of the
problem the team has had in the
past at Lake Forest has been the
small field. "That's been a
psychological problem for us for
On Saturday, Oct. 16, the
Rangers defeated Northland
scoring a total of 9 goals, and
locking Northland out of scoring
for the entire game. The Rangers
outshot Northland 51-1, with
Northland making 18 saves from
goal, and Parkside making only l
save from goal.
Scorers in the game were Don
Matanowski, 1 goal, Jim Banks, 3
goals, Mike Nowak, l goal, Bob
Newstrom, 1 goal, and Don
Theisen, 3 goals. Jim Banks broke
the individual scoring record for
one season with his goals in this
"This was one team we had to
play," said Coach Henderson.
"They are in the NAIA. So, we
must play them in either a game
during the season or in a tournament
at the end of th e season. I
don't like the idea of playing a
tournament at the end of the
season to decide the national
tournament qualifier. We play
them in the season, so does
Now that the Rangers have
beaten Northland, if they beat
Platteville they will be the district
winners, and qualify for the
Nationals. Currently, the Rangers
rank 10th in the NCAA Division II
standings, and 18th in the NAIA.
IAN HAMILTON manuevers around a Northland player.
Photo by Masood Shafiq
Mejia and Henderson champions
Golf season recaptured
by Robb Luehr
After disappointing finishes in
their first 3 matches, Parkside's
men's golf team pulled itself
together and placed high in the
final 5 meets of the season.
On Sept. 24 - 25, the team went to
the UW - Gr een Bay Invitational,
and scored 822, good fo r 3rd place
out of 1 0 teams. UW - Eau Claire
won the meet with 769. John
Schneider led the way for UW - P
with a score of 161 — (85-76).
The next 2 days, Sept. 26 - 27, the
team was in Oshkosh for the
Mascoutin Collegiate Tournament,
sponsored by UW -
Oshkosh. The golfers continued
their strong play, ending up in a
tie for third place, 27 shots behind
UW - Oshkosh's pace - setting
score of 769. L eading the way for
the Rangers was Bob Sobol,
shooting a 155 — (75 - 80).
The next match of the season
was at Whitewater, Oct. 4. The
results have not been determined
at press time, but Parkside shot
A. A. MEETING: Every Wednesday, Moln
211, between 1 and 2 p. m.
FOR SALE: 1966 Olds Delta 88, good runner,
best offer. 552-9014 evenings and weekends.
TYPING: Neat and accurate. No project is
too large or little. Will edit if requested.
Donna F. Call 633-1794.
ATTENTION SKIERS: Marketing coordinators
needed to promote high quality ski
and beach trips on campus. Earn commission
plus free travel. Call Summit
Tours, 800-325-0439.
anything short essays, reports, research
papers, etc. . . . Rate Charged: $1.00 per
page, Electric typewriter. Call anytime:
WOULD like to share ride to Eau Claire, Wl. 3
students to share expenses, need transportation
from Fri., Nov. 5 • S un., Nov. 7.
Call 639-4195.
criticize true love the most have experienced
love the least.
DR. DREW: Carole is really burned up. You
should know better. We have all resigned as
fans of the club. Better luck later. Have you
gotten dressed? I hope you don't miss the
boat ride again. HAHA. Your Loyal but
somewhat distressed fans.
CAROLE: Dr. Drew is certainly sorry. He
can't help himself.
GOMER: Je taime aussi, U. C.
GOMER PYLE: No Spanish, please. Uncle
a 397 to finish in the middle of 10
teams. On top for Parkside was
John Scheider, who shot a 76.
On Oct. 5, 15 teams descended
on the Brighton Dale Country Club
course for the Parkside Invitational.
Marquette University
won with a score of 391. The
Rangers, led by a strong performance
by Bob Sobol, finished
third scoring 400. Sobol shot a 76,
good for fourth place out of a field
of o ver 90 golfers.
The final, and perhaps biggest
tournament of the season, was the
District 14 Tournament, played
Oct. 10 - 12 at the Watertown
Country Club. The field of 11
teams played 3 rounds of golf to
determine who could advance to
the national finals, to be played
later this month. Only the top
team and top individual may
move on to the finals. UW - Eau
Claire advanced by shooting a total
of 1137. Parkside led by John
Schneider's 230 — (77-77-76),
ended their season by finishing
fourth, with a score of 1201.
Coach Stephens at the beginning
of the season predicted the team
to improve throughout the season.
With most of the team being
returning underclassmen,
Parkside should have something
to be optimistic about.
Champion men's single player
in the intramural tournament was
Frank Mejia of Racine. He
defeated Matt Giovanelli for
second and third place was
captured by Brian Langenbach.
In the women's singles tournament,
champion honors went to
Jody Henderson, Casey Zahalka
took second place and in third was
Margaret Houselander.
This week's game in flag
football proved to be a neck and
neck struggle. The Vikings were
successful in their drive for an
undefeated season downing the
Panzers 20-14. Team captain Jack
Decker ran for each of the three
touchdowns scored by the Viking
team while Anita Ratsch and Cliff
McKenzie crossed the end line for
the Panzers. Standings at the end
of four weeks of play are:
Vikings 2-0
All-Stars 1-2
Panzers 1-2
In this week's contest, the AllStars
will play the Vikings at 4
p.m., Thursday, Oct. 21.
Sign up deadlines occuring this week:
Badminton: Monday, Oct. 25
2 on 2 Basketball: Tuesday, Oct. 26
Volleyball: Thursday, Oct. 28
Other deadlines coming up fast:
Men's Basketball Tournament: Nov. 9, 1982
Turkey Trot: Nov. 18, 1982
See sheets at INFO. Kiosk, Gym of Info desk for more details.
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
SAT., NOV. 6 — 6:00 PM
*17.50 PER
• 75« , SI.00 & SI.25 O FF REG ULAR PIZZA P RI CES
8 Thursday, October 21,1982 RANGER
Tyree participates in 'new' sport Men's Cross Country
Runners back on their feet Renee Tyree is a person with an
exciting interest. Renee is a
Roller Cross Country skier. This is
basically the same as winter
Cross Country except the skier
has rollers on the bottom of the
skis. The skis she uses are like
regular winter Cross Country skis.
They are two and a half feet long,
with three wheels — two in back
and one in front. The bindings and
poles are the same as winter Cross
Country equipment.
Renee is a freshman here at
Parkside, studying Pre - Med. She
is an alumnus of Horlick High
School in Racine. Renee was involved
in Cross Country running
and Track. Regular winter Cross
Country skiing is one of her
favorite sports.
Renee became involved in roller
skiing through a friend. Professor
Wallen also roller skis. She h as
been involved in the sport for
about three months. Although
there is no team here at Parkside,
there are ski clinics here at
Parkside however, so those involved
can improve their skiing
skill. Renee trains for this sport
and competes in Roller Cross
Country ski races. The practices
she sets up for herself vary. It all
depends on how much time is
available and her ambition that
day. She practices on the track at
Horlick or the inner loop at
Parkside. She includes running in
her program to keep in shape.
The races can be run anytime
there isn't snow. The distance of
the races is 10 kilometers. Some
places she has been are Purdue,
Madison and Chicago to compete.
She also competes in winter
Cross Country skiing. There are
not too many girls involved in this
sport on the competitive level. She
does very well, averaging a first
or second place.
Renee will be competing in a
Roller Cross Country meet this
weekend in Madison. Good luck to
you Renee.
Men's Cross Country packed up
this last weekend at their meet in
Madison. The Tom Jones Invitational
yielded a Ninth place
for the Rangers. The Rangers
competed against eleven teams,
four of who are top ranked teams.
UW - Madison hosted the meet and
also won it. The weather was
sunny with the temperatures in
the 40s.
Rich Miller and Jim Miller were
both able to run in this meet. Dan
Stublaski is still sustaining injuries
and was not able to run. The
top three performing Rangers
were: Rich Miller placing 56,
26:04; Tom Barrett 75, 26:23; and
Jim Miller 76, 26:24.
Coach Lucian Rosa commented
that the team is looking forward to
competing in the NCAA
Qualifying meet that will be here
at Parkside on October 30. They
all expect to do well. The next
meet is October 23, this Saturday.
It is being held at Carthage at
11:00 a. m.
Cross country ski clinic at Parkside
The United States Ski Team and
the United States Ski Coaches
Association together with Shaklee
Corporation will be hosting a cross
country training clinic at
Parkside on Saturday, Oct. 23 in
Greenquist Hall 101.
The clinic is open to interested
skiers, parents and coaches with
no memberships required. $4 wil l
be charged per person.
The clinic will be one full day
and utilizes films, slides and
graphics to teach the basics of
technique and training, from the
intermediate skier up through the
very advanced. Beginners can
also benefit tremendously from
the clinic by watching how the
experts ski, and learning more
about the sport in which they are
becoming involved.
Short topics will also cover
coach - athlete relationships and
how to work better together, ski
care, basic physiology and a film
on the philosophy of youth sports,
"Is Winning Everything?"
The clinic is designed to help
bring the most recent and advanced
discoveries about the
sport of cross country skiing to
various locations throughout the
United States.
Two new technique films with
instructional booklets will be used
to teach technique. Training information
will be presented as
simply as possible.
If you are interested in attending
one of the clinics with
your club or by yourself, contact
the following:
Dave Harrison, 998 Lake County
Court, Oconomowoc, WI 53066,
(414) 567-1110; o r
Jim McCarthy, 1366 N . Dearborn,
Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 782-
4567; or
Kai Hansen, President of the
Parkside Nordic Ski Club, 19022 -
58th Road, Union Grove, WI 53182,
(414) 878-2777.
For coaches wishing certification
in the United States Ski
Coaches Association, this clinic
will comprise the Level I certification
program. To become
certified, coaches will have to be
members of the Coaches
Association, do additional reading
after the clinic, and take a written
exam. Coaches working with
junior athletes might be very
interested in the additional
reading material, which is geared
towards helping them become
better coaches even if they do not
wish certification.
The clinics will be run by
Stephen Gaskill, former U.S.
Nordic Combined Coach and
New Cheerleaders
On the evening of Sunday, Oct.
10, the new 1982-83 Parkside
cheerleading squad was selected.
The new squad members are:
Heidi Caldwell, Sharon Kruk,
Carmen Smith, Judy Spek, Portia
Morgan, Lynn Brown, David
Kotke, Mike Stehr. The newly
elected co - captain is Kris Anderson
and captain is Hope
currently nordic technical
director for the U.S. Nordic Ski
Team and the U.S. Ski Coaches
Rollerski relay races beginning at
8:30-9:00 a.m. — Registration
(Greenquist 101)
9:00 a.m. — Introduction (10
The Sport In General (20 min.),
film and short talk
Short break (10 min.)
Technique — diagonal stride -
film and talk (45 min.); double
pole and skating, film and talk (45
min.); downhills (5 min.);
herringbone (5 min.)
12:00-1:30 p.m. Lunch Break
($3.00 per person)
Equipment and Ski Preparation
(45 min.) demonstration and talk
Philosophy of the Sport (45
min.) a film on general sport
philosophy from American
Coaching Effectiveness Program
Short Break (10 min.)
Training for Cross Country (1
hr./15 min.) slide show, talk,
demonstrations, outside practice
by everyone
Discussion of USSCA and
coaches certification (15 min.)
Selling of books and material
from USSCA (15 min.)
5:00 p.m. — Roller Ski Relay
Mime artists, actors, comedians,
dancers, magicians, and musicians.
is offering you the chance to perform your
Every Thursday evening, our variety show
local talent to our customers.
special act.
will feature
Auditons will be held every Saturday
morning from 8a. m. to 11 a. m.
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Thursday, October 21, 1982
P.S.GA. Senate passes proposals and guidelines
by Pat Hensiak
Three new programs were
approved by the PSGA, Inc.
Senate at their last meeting. The
development of the Parkside
Union Advisory Board, the New
Student Organization Council by -
laws, and the new Student Legal
The Parkside Union Advisory
Board shall be so in the formulation,
implementation, and
review of the Parkside Union's
policy. It will seek to promote the
Parkside Union's role in the
campus and community activities
and services. At the same time, it
will seek to fulfill the educational
goals of the University through
the cooperation of various
elements within the University
and community.
The responsibilities would include
reviewing policy and advising
in the areas of B uilding use
(who, when, where);- Prices;
Present Service; Food Service;
Facilities; Building Services;
Public Relations; Special
Promotions. At the beginning of
each semester, PUAB shall
review and discuss the plans
related to the use of Union
Facilities. PAB functions in the
Union, but is not a function of t he
All recommendations of the
PUAB will be sent to the Dean of
Student Life for consideration. In
the case of a conflict between the
PUAB, the issue will be reconsidered
by the PUAB and upon a
2/3 vote of the entire PUAB a
decision will be sent back to the
Dean of Student Life. If a conflict
persists, the issue will be sent to
the Chancellor, or his / her
designee to mediate the decision
and decide it. The Chancellor's
designee cannot be the Administrator
of the Union or any of
the Union's Administrative staff.
The PUAB will be composed of
12 members, 9 voting and 3 non -
voting. The voting members will
consist of 1 person elected from
the PSGA Senate, 1 person elected
from GSOC, 1 person elected from
Ranger, 1 person elected by PAB,
1 person elected by Peer Support,
1 person elected from the Alumni
Association, 1 seat held by a
faculty member selected by the
Chancellor in consultation with
the University Committee, and 2
student at large seats, one is to be
elected in the Spring election and
the other to be elected in the Fall
The non - voting members will
consist of the Dean of Student
Life, or his / her designee; the
Director of t he Union, or his / her
designee; and the Student Activities
Coordinator or his / her
During the meeting, Jim
Kreuser, President of P.S.G.A.,
Inc., said, "This will give the
director of the Union a chance to
hear student input, which I'm sure
he wants to hear. It's our money
going into it. I feel it's a good
committee, it needs to be formed.
I'm sure it will turn out to be a
very important committee as far
as Student Life goes on policy
made concerning the Union."
Approved also at the meeting
were the new SOC Guidelines. The
guidelines were developed by a
group of concerned students to.
clarify questioned issues within
rules and by - laws of SOC an d B.
and R.C. previous to Nov. 15 shall
be null and void.
Carla Thomas, Vice - Chair of
SOC, made these comments about
the new by - laws: "They are a
very solid foundation to build SOC
into the organization it's meant to
P.S.G.A. Senate meeting.
Photo by Masood Shafiq
SOC. Through these new by - laws,
the qualifications for SOC
membership, the Chair responsibilities,
the Vice - Chair
responsibilities, the duties of the
Executive Board, the duties of the
Secretary, the composition of
Budget and Review, and the
process of removal from office
has all been clarified.
These rules will be implemented
on November 15, 1982, and all
be. I am extremely pleased with
them, and I'd like to thank all of
the Senators, SOC members, and
students who worked so hard to
revise and complete them.
They've done an excellent job."
The proposal for the PSGA, Inc.
Student Legal Service was also
given approval by the Senate. The
purpose of this new service will be
to assist students in identifying
and resolving their legal problems
so they can make the most of their
educational opportunities. If a
legal problem threatens to interfere
with a student's effectiveness
on campus, the
student legal service will do what
they can to resolve or minimize
the problem.
An attorney will be available to
render legal and referral services
to all students who pay the student
services fee. If the type of
problem a student has exceeds the
scope of the service, additional
services may be arranged for, at
the student's expense, through the
attorneys in the community.
It is the goal of this service that
direct delivery of legal services
will not only remove or resolve
student's concerns, but will also
act as an educational experience
in familiarizing students with the
legal rights to which they are
entitled and the responsibilities
for which they, as citizens, are
held accountable.
"Needless to say," commented
Phil Pogreba, President Pro
Tempore of the Senate, "I'm very
elated that the Senate passed this.
Although I knew it had a good
chance of going through. The
passing of it marks the end of a lot
of hard work, but at the same
time, it marks the beginning of a
whole new era of work. We now
have to get administrative input
and then we'll finish up the bidding
process, go through interviews,
get the committee set
up, and implement the service,
hopefully by the end of this
Socialists look to reassert themselves here
by Jennie Tunieicz
and Bob Kiesling
Despite the fact that the
Wisconsin branch of the Socialist
Democratic party currently has
only 70 "card carrying" members
and about 2,000 fellow travelers,
James Ingbretson, head of the
party in Wisconsin believes the
time is right for the movement to
reassert itself politically.
Ingbretson said that the party
does not intend to have any
candidates in the 1984 e lections,
but that the party should be able to
offer a state ticket in 1986.
"In '86, I would like to see a
Socialist Democratic candidate
for governor, lieutenant governor,
treasurer, attorney general and
secretary of state. Meetings such
as what we've done here today are
the beginnings of building a base
for that," he said.
The meeting here Saturday was
the first in a number of meetings
in the Racine / Kenosha area to
reestablish the party. Ingbretson
said that he would like to see
separate local organizations set
up in the two towns, but
"would not mind a joint
Former Milwaukee mayor
Frank Zeidler spoke of the "high
human cost of capitalism" when
he outlined his party's platform.
He listed some of the socialist's
achievements that, he said, have
since been adopted by the major
He said the Socialist Democrats
were leaders in the field of
unemployment compensation,
much occupational safety and
health legislation, and reform in
the areas of social welfare.
"The idea of socialism is that
people working together
cooperatively can produce more
for the good of society than
everyone acting on an individual
basis to promote their own self -
interest," said Zeidler.
He also spoke of t he importance
of the party having specific
political goals, rather than
becoming lost in their own
ideology, as has happened in the
past. At present, the Socialist
Democratic party's goal in Racine
and Kenosha Counties is to set up
locals which would act as
clearinghouses of information.
Also stressed was the importance
of speaking out on local
issues. Ingbretson said that if the
Socialist Democratic Party
makes its opinions known to the
community, the party will begin to
be viewed as a viable political
alternative. He also stressed the
importance of factual reporting
by the media.
Ingbretson said the Socialist
Democratic Party, was very
interested in attracting new
members, but made it clear that
any socialist movement must be a
community effort.
"When you join the party," he
asid, "we expect that you will
support it, not necessarily
financially, but that you will come
to our meetings and contribute
intellectually to our movement."
"For example," he added, "if 1
was running for some statewidt
office, the people of Racine and
Kenosha locals would support mj
candidacy and circulate petitions
to get me on the ballot, or woulc
work on my behalf to build £
presence for the campaign."
"We do assume that when yoi
join the movement, you do it witl
the commitment to support it,'
Ingbretson said.
Fall Blood Drive
The Blood Center of
Southeastern Wisconsin will hold
the Parkside Fall Blood Drive
Tuesday, Nov. 2, from 9a.m. -3:30
p.m. in Union 104. This is a walk -
in blood drive — appointments are
not necessary.
College donors are extremely
important to the Blood Center.
Approximately 400 pints of blood
must be collected every day in
order to keep the supply in
Southeastern Wisconsin at
adequate levels. About 80 percent
of these units come from mobile
blood drives, such as the one at
Parkside. The other 20 percent
comes from donors who go to The
Blood Center's Driving Stations in
Milwaukee, Waukesha, Racine
and Kenosha.
The Fall Blood Drive is sponsored
by the Student Health
Center and the Life Science Club.
Photo by Masood Shafiq
Currently, the Socialist
Democratic party is generally
trying to redistribute the nation's
wealth among the working class,
one of their central tenets.
Specifically, the party advocates
employment by the government
when private industry fails to
provide jobs, more emphasis on
social services spending, rather
than spending by the military, and
a centralized health care system.
The party sees a nuclear freeze
and environmental protection as
important issues as well.
Speaking of the administration's
efforts to shift the
nation's workforce into higher
technology fields, Ingbretson said,
"reeducation of the workers won't
have any effect."
Women's Resource Day
Women's Resource Day has
been set aside to inform
students of the various
organizations and services
available to them in the
community as well as on
campus. The day's goal is to
help students find out who to go
to if they are in need of a
service. The program will
convene at 1 p.m. and last until
3 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 27.
Within the two hours, students
will be able to stop, ask
questions and gain information
from the representatives of
The organizations planning
to attend are: Alumni and
Placement, American Cancer
Society, Child Care Center,
Community Student Services,
Health Center, Peer Support -
Students Helping Students,
Adult Crisis Center, Alcohol
and Drug Center, Bread and
Roses, Family Planning of
Racine, Family Services of
Racine, Kenoshans Against
Sexual Assault, Life Right of
Kenosha, Manpower Temp.
Service, Planned Parenthood
of Kenosha, Women's Horizons
of Kenosha, Women's
Resource Center of Racine,
Youth and Family Services,
WIC and YWCA. Take some
time to stop and talk on the
2 Thursday, October 21,1982 RANGER
Make them pay
The United States government finally seems to be doing something
about all those people who have failed to repay their college loans. Many
students have a problem obtaining a government student loan, simply
because there is very little left in the pot to dish out due to the fact that
many people have neglected to repay their loans.
The people who have received loans in the past have an obligation to
pay back what was once given them. Many of them wouldn't be in their
present positions if they had not been given loans when they were in
school. By abusing the privilege of a college loan, it is only made more
difficult for the present college students to fight through today's loan
Maybe by threatening these people with lawsuits, or reclaiming their
cars, an example can be set to make others fulfill their obligation to
repay their loans. Education Secretary Terrel Bell said his department
will start to dock the pay of employees who have failed to repay student
loans. The crackdown at hand is overdue, and certainly necessary.
When it comes time for the people presently receiving loans to pay
them back, maybe it won't be such a chore for the government to
receive what is rightly theirs to loan out again.
Letters to the editor
To the Editor:
On September 30,1982, Congress
renewed the Endangered Species
Act for three more years. They
appropriated $38 million dollars
for the act, which was renewed
one day earlier than expected.
The wishes of the people have
presided once again, for the
Reagan administration had only
wanted to renew the act for one
Parkside students contributed
to the renewal of the Endangered
Species Act by signing petitions
supporting the legislation. Thanks
to Jim Kreuser, Phil Pogreba, and
other members of PSGA, those
petitions were printed and
distributed around Parkside and
other United Council campuses in
the University of Wisconsin
system. A special thank you
should go to Pat Hensiak, editor of
Parkside's Ranger, for handling
the mailing of the petitions. And of
course, all the people who cared
enough to sign the petition must be
included in another big THANK
C.B. and the animals
Kovalic criticized
To the Editor:
Sexism has struck the Ranger in
the form of the poisonous pen of
John Kovalic. This person in his
satire on "Life at Ranger Hall"
has asked this question:
"How long does it take for the
first female to shack up on the
male floor?"
In asking this question he is
placing women in the role of sex
objects and expressing his own
His question is not only sexist,
distasteful and insulting, it is also
anti - humanist. His remark is an
insult, not only to the women of
this campus, but to the men also.
His crass reference to personal
relationships may reflect his own
biases, but I doubt that the
majority of the students at
Parkside have such a synical
attitude toward their own
Since sexism and racism are
usually two sides of the same coin,
I have to wonder whether or not
his next 'satire' will spew forth
this poison as well. In a time when
many people are expending a
great deal of energy trying to
work out such difficulties as
human inequality, Kovalic's
question seems totally repugnant.
His attitude is degrading to
himself as well as o thers.
I can only suggest Kovalic give
up his diet of beer and tortilla
chips, confine himself to bread
and water and then return, pen in
hand, to whatever rock he crawled
out from under.
M.E. Marten
Writer's reply
John Kovalic replies:
I am sorry that one comment of
my last article, labeled, by the
way, as SATIRE, was taken so
very seriously. However, I must
state my repugnance as being
labeled both a sexist and, for some
unknown reason, a racist. I was
extremely surprised, to say the
least, that someone could assume
so much on the basis of one
humorous comment, and then act
as judge and jury in condemning
me as an anti - humanist.
Maybe I could reply that Ms.
Martin is perhaps an anti -
humorist? But I will not sink to
her level of mud - slin ging, and I
shall assume that the above letter
was written in the heat of the
If Ms. Martin had ever lived in a
dorm, she should have been able
to have seen the humor in the
article. Incidently, both female
and male residents of the YMCA
told me they thought the article
was both well presented and very
Probably the one accurate fact
in the leter is that I am an egotist.
Anybody has to be to have work
published. However, to brand me
as sexist, anti - humanist and
racist, and then to stoop to such a
personal, immature and almost
infantile level of attack just
makes me wonder if she is
perhaps as biased as those she
purports to fight.
In conclusion, next time you
read an article of mine, Ms.
Martin, I suggest you think about
it, get your facts right, then try to
appreciate it in the light of how it
was written.
(Also try to get my name
correct, please.)
John Kovalic
in government..
Editor's notes
There's a lot here
by Pat Hensiak
The ball seems to be rolling
rather smoothly through the
semester. There hasn't been a
war, and people seem to be trying
to get along. P.S.G.A. has been
working quite diligently on
passing what is necessary, and
making the school a more functional
place for those who frequent
it. They passed two proposals, and
one new set of guidelines this past
week. Of course, that doesn't
mean that the proposals or the
guidelines are totally functional,
but at least it's a start. They seem
to be moving in a positive
People are doing new things.
Bruce Preston has just started his
new column. This week he
features a woman he just met, and
relates her personal experiences
to the labels we often put on
people. I'm sure Bruce will introduce
a lot of interesting people
through his columns. People who
have something to offer without
really knowing it.
The soccer team hasn't been
doing anything new this week,
they're still winning. They locked
out Northland this past week 9-0.
The soccer team is still nationally
ranked, in the top 10.
The Socialist Democratic Party
has been making an attempt to
start a chapter here on campus,
story on page 1. If you're interested
in the Socialist
Democratic party — get involved.
People are having a bit of a
problem with John Kovalic's
writing. He is most certainly a
satirical writer. More than not, his
articles are fiction, with the intention
of trying to find some bit of
humor in a particular subject.
John does an article this week
on the famous "Dartman." For
over a year I knew this man only
as "Dartman." It came to me in a
dream one night, that his parents
couldn't have possibly named him
that. As the editor of this paper I
realized that Dartman must have
another name. A real name. And
he does.
Don't forget about the Women's
Resource Day, Wednesday Oct.
27! A lot of organizations will be
present at this event to help
students realize all that is
available to help them in a time of
need. From 1 until 3 p.m. on the
27th, students will have the opportunity
to learn more about all
of these organizations.
On Monday night, the
Netherlands Chamber Orchestra
appeared at Parkside for a one
time only performance. For those
who were fortunate enough to see
it, it was the opportunity of a
lifetime. The exactness and
perfection that the group offered
was incredible. There was more to
it than just the perfect sound
though. It was as if the orchestra
really enjoyed what they had tr
offer. Even if he t audience had not
enjoyed the performance, the
people doing the performing were
having a good time; they really
liked what they were doing. It
made a big difference. Maybe
that's the nice part about live
performance. The audience can
really feel the emotion that goes
into it.
To be honest, who would have
ever thought that such an excellent
show could be put on here,
at our very own Parkside??? Who
would have thought a group
known internationally for its
grand performance would have
made a stopover for a Parkside
performance? Throughout the
intermission, people in the crowd
and around my seat talked about
the wide variety of things
Parkside offers. From sports to
fine arts, from on - campus
student organizations to a broad
build of community events.
The biggest problem is arousing
the interest of the people who
attend Parkside daily. They seem
to be the hardest to please. Never
quite satisfied with what this
University offers. It really does
offer a lot, but people have to look
for it. They have to discover their
interests. Finding interests is part
of the whole experience. Maybe
find a friend to share the interests
with. Go ahead — find a rief nd and
an interest, and learn all about the
things Parkside has to offer.
Ranger accepting
stories, poems
Are you a creative person? Do
you like to write? Is your life
illuminated through the reading
and writing of poetry and prose?
Can you spell your name? If so,
then bring your short stories and
poetry to the Ranger office. We
just might print what you write.
Yes, that's right. In this very
Feature Section we plan to publish
short stories and poetry by
Parkside students every couple of
weeks. All we need are the stories
and poems from you. The
guidelines for submissions follow:
1) All submissions should be
typed, double - spaced. (They
don't have to be, but it would be
2) All submissions should include
your name and phone
number. We don't have to print
your name with your story, but we
Continued On Page Three
Regents approve tuition hike
The University of Wisconsin
Board of Regents approved a
budget proposal Oct. 8 calling for
tuition hikes of up to $95 in the next
two years for resident undergraduate
The budget proposal must still
be approved by the state
Department of Administration
and the legislature.
The proposal, submitted by the
U.S. system administration, calls
for a tuition increase of $50 - 60 for
1983-84 and $30 - 35 fo r 1984-85 in
resident undergraduate tuition.
Some of the Regents expressed
concern with the traditional
student contribution of 25 perce nt
of the university budget. The
precedent was affected in 1980,
when the state's fiscal condition
prompted students to pay a surcharge.
This year students contribute
27.3 percent of the
university budget, and the 1983-85
budget request calls for a 27
percent contribution by students.
"The reduction of tuition levels
from 27.3 percent to 27 percent is
certainly a step in the right
direction," remarked Scott
Bentley, president of the United
Council of U.W. Student Governments.
"But this is a very small
step. At this rate, assuming tuition
levels were reduced by .3 percent
each biennium, the University will
have returned to the 25 pe rcent
level by 1995."
Pat Hensiak
Bob Kiesling
Tony Rogers
Tori Murray
Masood Shafiq
Norm Couture
Andy Buchanan
Mike Farreli
Jeff Wicks
Jolene Torkilsen
News Editor
Feature Editor
Sports Editor
Photo Editor
Copy Editor
Business Manager
Ad Manager
Distribution Manager
Assistant Business Manager
' Caro1 Bwns, Pat Cumbie, Dan Dowhower,
Cliff Flowers, Michael Kailas, Stephen Kalmar II, Carol
Kortendick, John Kovalic, Rick Luehr, Robb Luehr, Laura
Petersen, Jennie Tunkieicz.
parkside and they are
RANGERfsDHn^bv^ u
he academic vear except during breaks and holidays,
Written^oe mTssT^i^Inni^l°.
n Coopera,ive Polishing Co., Kenosha, Wisconsin, vvrnien permission is required for reprint of anv oortion nf banrfo
parskt sr
* °
f wisconsin
Names will be withheld for valid reasons.
reserves a°l IriitTrja'l*
3 P ?' •
r publica,ion °n Thursday. The RANGER
defamatory content Pr,Vllefles in re,us
'"9 P"nt letters which contain false or
RANGER Thursday, October 21,1982 3
Clinic People on Campus treats eating disorders
by Jennie Tunkieicz
Eating disorders, such as
compulsive overeating, anorexia
nervosa and bulimia are serious
dilemas for many teenagers and
young adults. The Family
Therapy and Research Institute in
Kenosha can help people overcome
these problems.
The institute is primarily
funded through a contract with
Kenosha County where area
families are referred for consultation
and therapy. Karen
Schultz, a social worker, and Ed
Jessee, a clinical psychologist,
staff the organization. Both have
had previous experience in
working with eating disorders.
Anorexia, which is the most
publicized disorder, is where a
person abstains from eating.
Often, an anorexic has a distorted
image of his or her self and
believes they need to lose weight
— even when they have reached a
very thin and emaciated state.
Most recently people are
becoming aware of bulimia. This
disorder is characterized by a
binge and purge pattern where the
person over - eats then
regurgitates or takes laxatives to
remove food from their system.
Bulimia can cause physical
complications. Continued
vomiting causes acids to come up
through the asophogus which
breaks down tissues and can also
rot teeth.
"I think the reason bulimia has
taken longer to become
recognized is because it is a more
secretive problem," said Schultz,
"and it can be kept a secret even
from family members."
No single factor creates these
problems. These problems can
occur in anyone.
"We as an outfit tend to take a
contextual view of problems.
What often leads to these
problems is a feeling of n ot being
in control," Schultz said. "We try
to help the individual by looking at
their situation and helping them
gain more control over their life so
they won't have to resort to such
drastic measures," she added.
Schultz feels that culture
promotes these problems because
of the strong emphasis on food,
eating and weight control. Also,
families with many rituals involving
food can make these
problems more prevalent.
The treatment process used by
the institute is to meet with the
individual and their families.
"The family can help the person
change their situation," said
Schultz. "We look for the important
people and other factors in
their environment that might be
affecting and creating these
problems," she added.
Schultz concluded, "It may
begin to feel like it is impossible to
stop this pattern of eating, but it is
not something that can't be
changed. We believe that by
helping the person change their
situation and context of their life
the problem can be stopped."
Law school
rep to
speak here
Professor Dan Morrissey from
the University of Tulsa Law
School will be visiting UW -
Parkside on Thursday, October 28
at 10:30 in Molinaro 367. He is
interested in talking to students
interested in attending the
University of Tulsa Law School.
All interested students should
contact Prof. Sue Strickler in
Moln. 263 or at 553-2600 for further
With fire, preparation is the
by Vincent Gigliotti
Fire! The mere thought of fire
may cause fear in even the
strongest of individuals. Fire is a
very traumatic experience for
anyone involved. Safety of the
individual is by far the major
concern during a fire. Property is
replaceable, people are not!
Although Parkside has never
had a major fire, that does not
mean that we are not prepared.
Fire Protection Procedure
manuals are distributed to all
faculty. The Somers Fire
Department makes regular visits
to the campus to keep their personnel
aware of bu ilding locations
and layout. Custodial personnel
are informed of their duties in
aiding people evacuate the
buildings. All faculty and staff
should be aware of the procedures
involved in case of f ire.
But what should you, the
student, know and be aware of in
case of a fire? Because of the
varied times and places students
are on campus, fire drills would be
impractical. It is the responsibility
of each student to be
aware of his or her surroundings.
As you attend classes, be conscious
of the locations of the
nearest exits, stairs, fire alarm
pull boxes and fire extinguishers.
Every student should be aware of
these, wherever they are on
campus. It only takes a minute to
locate the nearest exit if you plan
ahead. In an emergency, panic
may make finding an exit more
Ranger accepting
stories, poems
Continued From Page Two
might have to get in touch with
you about your submission, so
include your number.
3) Short stories should be just
that — short. Preferably no more
than ten typed pages.
4) This is not a contest —
nothing will be judged. This is
simply an opportunity for students
to have their creative literary
efforts published in the Ranger.
5) Ranger reserves the right to
select submissions, but we'll
probably print anything you have
to offer.
6) There is no deadline — I pl an
to run stories and poems all year,
but to have something considered
Continued On Page Five
If you notice a fire starting, pull
the nearest fire alarm box. If an
office is nearby, tell someone to
call Security. If you are near a
phone that is safe from the fire,
call Security. Give the location of
the fire, building and room
number, if possible. Inform
anyone you see of the fire and
evacuate the building.
If there are no phones available,
pull the fire alarm and leave.
There are people in each building
who are instructed to call Security
when they hear an alarm.
Once you hear a fire alarm,
evacuate the building immediately.
Don't stop to pick up
personal belongings. Property can
be replaced. Once outside the
building, never go back until so
instructed. People are often injured
returning to a burning
building. When you are outside,
stay away from the building until
the all - clear signal is given.
When evacuating a building use
the stairs, never an elevator. The
fire may stop the electricity to the
elevator, leaving you trapped
Orderly evacuation is much
faster than mass confusion. If
there is smoke in the hallway, stay
near the floor. If t he stairs on one
side of the building are blocked,
proceed to the other side of the
If you are in a wheelchair, try to
get near the stairs. Do not place
the wheelchair in the center of th e
by Bruce R. Preston
Too many people today suffer
from the all - too - easy disease of
labeling others because of their
beliefs or outside appearances.
"Handicapped", "Woman" and
"single parent" are just a few
labels stuck onto Elizabeth Perry,
yet she transcends mere
description and most definately
any of the se petty, superficial tags
many people place upon her.
Elizabeth is a junior with a
communication and psychology
double major. She'd like to work
with organizational behavior with
an emphasis on marketing.
At home, she is raising a bright,
talented 15 - year - old daughter
named Lisa. Lisa is, according to
her mother, being brought up in
a very democratic environment
which is not unlike that of her own.
As I talked with Elizabeth I
came to realize that she defies any
traditional label through her
constant state of change, which
she equates with growth. "Staying
the same frightens me more than
anything else," she commented.
"I really find life exciting," she
continued, "especially the
challenges." Not only does she
want to experience the daily
stairs, stay to one side. Someone
running to the stairs may knock
you down the stairs. Anyone who
comes across a disabled person
should take the time to assist them
in getting out of the building.
Be alert for the signs of a fire.
Don't become complacent! Not
every fire alarm is a false alarm.
The time you don't leave the
building could be a real fire and
you could be trapped inside.
challenges but she wants to leave
her mark. "I have to know I'll
make a difference or you couldn't
even get me out of bed in the
School is important to
Elizabeth, not only for the
academic reasons but because it
offers everyone a chance to
escape their social tag. "Your
label can really be lost here," she
remarked. "You become a new
person facing new problems."
When away from school, she
enjoys old movies, jazz, rock,
classical music, gardening and
getting zany. She likes things to be
controlled to some extent yet
welcomes surprises. "We all have
a searching need for stability,"
she stated. "Yet, we need to
change in order to grow."
It is this delicate mixture of
stability and change which
characterizes and becomes
Elizabeth. "Sometimes you find
out something you always thought
was important was just superficial,"
she said. "You constantly
have to refocus and re-evaluate
your values."
"I may stop fluctuating," she
said in reference to growing old,
"but I will always leave myself
open to change."
Sure she's just another face in
the hall, but it's her dynamic
independence, her love for life,
and her active refusal to conform
to social labels that make
Elizabeth Perry stand out in the
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Computer Center
The Computer Center has scheduled three information
sessions for students, faculty and staff who
use UW - Parkside's Instructional and Research
Timesharing System (PIRTS) or the IBM academic
computing system.
The main idea of the sessions is to make available
regular times when users can get together informally
with the Center's Operations Manager, Academic
Consultant and Systems Programmer and discuss
users' questions, suggestions and concerns.
The 2nd and 3rd sessions will be held in the MOLN -
111 faculty lounge on:
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27, 1 -2:30 p. m.
MONDAY, NOV. 22,9 - 10:30a. m.
Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to attend
any or all of the sessions.
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4 Thursday, October 21,1982 RANGER
CSub Events
Inter Varsity Christian
Fellowship will hold a social
meeting Wednesday, Oct. 27, at 1
p. m. in Union 207. This is a good
time to get to know each other
better through sharing and fun.
We are also looking forward to
our special speaker Lazaro Uribe,
who will be with us Wednesday,
Nov. 3, to speak on "The Sting of
Dance Ensemble
The Parkside Dance Ensemble
workouts will be Monday, Wednesday
and Friday starting at 1
p.m. The room has been changed
to Comm Arts 140. The Ensemble
is open to all students, staff and
faculty. Participants are advised
to wear dance attire.
Physics Colloquium
John Jones, a Parkside physics
student, will speak at the next
Physics Colloquium Wednesday,
Oct. 27. The talk is entitled "The
Physics of F lying," and will be at
1 p. m. in Greenquist 230.
Accounting Club
Tickets for the Manager's
Dinner are now being sold in
Molinaro Hall. The ticket booth
will be open Monday through
Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and
Tuesday and Thursday evenings,
4 - 7 p.m. Tickets are $10. They
may also be purchased from any
Accounting Club officer. The
dinner will be Monday, Nov. 15.
The Main speaker will be
Fredrick Kraegel, a CPA partner
from Pest, Marwick, Mitchell and
The Accounting Club is also
sponsoring a workshop called
"Interviewing: the Office Visit"
Friday, Oct. 29 at 1 p.m. in Union
104. Jim Szorcsick from the Accounting
firm Deliotte, Haskins
and Sells will tell you what to
expect at the second interview.
Refreshments will be served.
Chemistry Club
On Friday, Oct. 22 at 1 p.m., the
Chemistry Club will hold a
membership drive party in Union
104. All members and prospective
members are invited. Soda and
popcorn will be served.
The club will meet Monday,
Nov. 1, at 1 p.m. in Greenquist D101.
Friday afternoon, Nov. 12 is
the Miller Brewery tour. Sign up
at the meeting on Nov. 1.
Art Addicts
A bus trip to Madison has been
scheduled for Friday, Oct. 29 to
see the Edward Munch exhibition
at the Elvehjem Museum. The bus
will leave from the CART lot at
8:30 a.m. and return at 5 p.m.
Admission to the museum is free.
Bus fare is $5.50 and payable in
the Fine Arts office.
The Edible Art Bake Sale will be
Monday, Oct. 15, from 9 a.m. to 4
p.m. Proceeds will go to cash
prizes for the Student Art Show. So
come over and "eat your art out."
Geology Colloquium
'U ' /(rL. . fcTflV vvis<
Bar and Grill
17 OZ. B OT TLE OF MICH EL OB, $1.00
2325 - 52nd Street, Kenosha, Wis.
Women in Business
Women in Business will hold a
Bake Sale Wednesday, Oct. 27,
from 8 a. m. to 2 p. m. There will
be lots of good things to eat and
even some healthy snacks. The
sale will be in the Bookstore
Scholarship help
^ Dr. M. G. Mudrey of the
cS&P Wisconsin Geological and Natural
History Survey will lecture
Friday, Oct. 22, in Greenquist 113
p. m.
G.J.R. Productions Presents:
Appearing at: Memorial Hall, 72 Seventh St.,
Racine, Wis.
Date: Friday, October 22, 1982
Admission: $9.50 Advance - $12 At Door
Show Time: 7:30 P. M. —10:00 P. M.
Tickets Available At:
Beautiful Day Records & Tapes, 422 Main St., Racine
Sound & Video Warehouse, Westgate Mall, Racine
Tic Toe Club, 2719 - 60th St., Kenosha
Betty's Barber Shop, 424 Main St., Racine
Bojangle's, 1845 West Racine, Racine
Now is the time to plan your
financing of next year's schooling.
In addition to government and
other public aid, many supplemental
private scholarships,
grants and loans are available to
college students.
How does one find out about
these aids?
There are basically two
alternatives — research the
alternatives oneself or pay
someone else to complete the
Both the UW - Parkside library
Thursday, Oct. 28, in Moln 213 at 8
p. m. Refreshments will be served
during an informal question and
answer period.
Physics Club
The Physics Club will meet
Monday, Oct. 25, at 1 p. m. in
Greenquist 230. The club is a
group of students interested in
physics, math and astronomy. We
tour government labs - bring in
speakers and do other things of
interest. This year we will be
going to the Fermi National Accelerator
Laboratory, the
Argonne National Lab, Zion
Nuclear Training Reactor and a
few other places.
Anyone can join the physics
club. If interested, come to the
meeting Monday and see Dr.
Luzader in Greenquist 235.
Data Processing Club
The Data Processing club is
sponsoring two speakers who
graduated from Parkside last
semester. Chuck McMahan and
John Schmidt were both hired by
Northwestern Mutual Life and
have had over 35 interviews
between them, both on and off
campus. Chuck and John will
discuss these interviews and give
ideas of the role and future of men
and women in the field.
The presentation will be
»>:i »>;«»:«»:»»>
»!•!«»!*!« I5!I I5!i »!•!« »!t« •!•!« »!•!« >T> i"i "i »!•!«»!•%
II. W.-Parkside
Dr. Russell J. Reiter of the
University of Texas at San Antonio's
Health Science Center will
talk on the pineal gland. There is
evidence that, in humans, the
pineal gland contributes to the
onset of puberty, and is responsible
for certain forms of mental
illness. The seminar will be
Friday, Oct. 22 i n Greenquist 103
at 1 p.m. The seminar is open to
the public.
N ill I I K M V N S
/ You've
'2;' '£« 'g' 'ii' »;•;« »;•:« »;•;« »;•;
!3!i i!J!I i7!i »5!i »!•!» ISM.M »!•!» »!•!« »!•!« »!•;«
and financial aids office have
copies of publications which list
private sources of financing
educational costs. One should also
check with family members and
parents, local civic organizations
and businesses.
The second alternative involves
using a firm which specializes in
compiling financial aids listings.
These firms do not have exclusive
listings, but they can offer a busy
student a legitimate shortcut to
searching by oneself. According to
a UW - Parkside financial aids
spokesperson, a search firm will
usually require a fee of about $45.
The firm will provide the
student applicant with a list of
financial aids alternatives for
which the applicant is eligible
according to major, rank in class
and other information which is
provided to the search firm. The
student must still apply to each
individual source.
One such firm is The Scholarship
Bank. According to the
director of that private search
service, more than 1,350 new
scholarships will be available to
college students — primarily
undergraduates — n ext year. For
more information about The
Scholarship Bank services, send a
self - addressed, stamped,
business - size envelope to 10100
Santa Monica Blvd., #750, Los
Angeles, CA 90067.
how to love
''E n h a n c i ng Lovi ng
Relationships" will be the theme
of a four - session, non - credit
course to be offered Tuesdays
from Oct. 26 to Nov. 16 from 6:30
to 9:30 p.m. at Parkside in
Molinaro Hall Room D-128. The
class is being offered by the
Parkside Office of Educational
Joe Longo, who will teach the
course, said it "is designed to
build on an already existing base
people have in their ability to
share positive feelings. Love is a
learned art and response. Like
anything else, to get better at it
you have to learn more about it. A
person cannot live whatever they
do not dedicate themselves to. In
order to dedicate yourself to love
you must forever be growing in
Longo is a special education
teacher for the Racine Unified
School District. He has attended
three presentations by Leo
Buscaglia, a California teacher
and author of the best seller book,
"Living, Loving and Learning,"
and also attended a "Love in the
'80s" workshop.
Pre - registration is required for
the class and can be made by
calling the Education Office at
553-2351. The fee is $20.
NOV. 10, 1982
From 2:00 - 5 :00 pm. in the Union Square
Anyone wanting to take part please contact the P.A.B. office
at 553-2650
before Oct. 28th!
NOTE: Groups wanting to perform must be small.
Thursday, October 21,1982
So it goes
A bull's
by John Kovalic
All right, campers. Sit down.
Stay calm. Don't panic. Apparently,
with my last few articles,
(three to be exact) a lot of
you out there took what I said to be
kosher. The real McCoy. Totally
You believed it.
That's right. It wasn't true.
Not a word of it.
Jeeez, don't you feel STUPID?
There was no conversation with
any Wargamers, nor Physicists.
Nor is there a Professor Stein out
there trying to discover life at the
YMCA. Sure had you fooled, huh?
Now, you say, why the heck (or
words to that effect) do I go and
reveal all this when I had you
right in the palm of my hands?
Because this week's article is
actually, one - hundred percent,
total, truth! That's it! Not one
word of falsehood. Not one
paragraph misleading, not one
syllable a dupe.
This is it, guys n' gals.
What, you ask, can be of such
national, nay, world - shattering
importance, that I halt my personal
vendetta against all that
may be called a veritie!
You may well ask.
Now, like I said, sit down, lest
the excitement becomes too much
for you.
Sitting comfortably?
Then I'll begin.
This week, as you may well
have already guessed, I shall
discuss none other than our very
own, Parkside DART TEAM.
(Stop yawning!)
* * *
The Parkside Dart Team is a
competitive sport and social (not
necessarily in that order)
-eye bull session with Parkside's 'Dartman
organization that is suffering from
an image problem.
Or, to be more specific, a lack of
an image problem.
You see, they have one
seemingly insurmountable,
No one takes them seriously.
It was in an effort to turn this
situation around that I obtained
the following interview with the
'in de facto' head of said
organization, the one, the only,
Dartman, aka Nick Thome.
Yes, that's right. Yes, I d id say
Dartman. Yes, I did say this was
all on the level. No, don't stop
reading. I need the money.
"Why is it that you feel that you
are the focus for ridicule? Or,
should I say, the Dart Team is the
focus of?"
"Well, first of a ll, I want to just
say that the majority of those that
jest at the expense of the UWPDT
(UW - Parkside Dart Team) are in
fact, non - members."
"Could you give me an example?"
"One such non - member is
Steve Kalmar, the current SOC
"Why in particular the
illustrious Mr. Kalmar?"
"Recently, at the last SOC
banquet, Mr. Kalmar introduced
us as, and I quote, 'The newest
and most subversive group on
campus.' " (I could trace a tad of
bitterness in my host's tone.) In
my opinion, such unsubstantiated
untruths cannot do any good in the
promotion of a student
organization's image."
"Well, I could see where that
would be a problem . . . What
exactly does the UWPDT consist
"The Parkside Dart Team
consists of three separate, distinct
groups. First of all, there is the
Dart Team proper ..."
"Of course."
"Then, there is the Dart Team
cheerleading squad."
"Cheerleading squad?
"That's right. You see, we get
all these girls and ... "
"No, no, that's O.K. I know what
cheerleading is. It's just that I was
rather . . . uh . . . surprised."
"Well, actually, at the moment,
we're a bit short on that section.
Last years' squad was much more
numerous. In fact, if any of your
readers wants to become a
cheerleader, female or male, they
should contact Tony Rogers at the
Ranger office."
"He's the chairman of the Dart
Team Cheerleader Selection
Committee, of course."
"Of course."
"The Dart Team Support
Committees, by the way, make up
the third section of t he Dart Team
"Yes, but let me get on with the
team first. The team itself is a
squad of five people that play
English 301 darts against other
UW schools. At this date, you may
be interested to know, UWPDT is
undefeated in open competition."
"But you didn't actually play
anyone last year."
"True, but we feel that is only a
minor factor in our success."
"The cheerleading squads are
groups of five people each, one
male, one female. They are
present at all matches, and
provide moral support. The final
section of the whole team are the
seven standing committees."
WED. & FRI. Bring UW-P I.D.
Playing A Variety of Music
for Your Listening and Dancing Pleasure.
3931 - 45th St. 657-3101
"Could you tell me what they
"Sure. First of all, there's the
Public Relations Committee, who
are responsible for advertising.
Or lack of same. They also handle
communication from the team to
our school."
"Vital, I'm sure."
"You'd be surprised. Then
there's the Tournament Committee,
who handles all the Dart
Team sponsored competitive
events, such as last years' First
Annual April Fool's Day Tricycle
Race. The Social Committee is
responsible for the organization
and execution of all social
"Or parties."
"Exactly. You're catching on."
"The Fund - Raising Committee
is self - explanatory. The Judging
Committee, by far our most
popular, chooses the cheerleading
squads. The Activities Committee
organizes all other committees,
and finally there is the Antagonism
Committee. They are in
charge of writing provocative and
intimidating material and sending
it to any opposing teams that we
may compete against."
"Aha! Sort of dispiriting to any
team unlucky enough to find itself
playing you."
"So true. In fact, the Antagonism
Committee is sponsoring
our Nasty Letter Writing
"I thought that would have been
up to the Tournament Committee."
"Oh, shut up."
* * *
The Dart Team's policies are
very simple:
(1) To get as many people involved
with as little bureaucracy
as possible. (Yes, I know it doesn't
make sense either.)
(2) To have at least one party a
month to get members familiar
with each other (and to consume
fair amounts of alcohol.)
So, if you like being active in an
inactive sort of way, and want
Parkside to be less boring, then
sign up! (The UWPDT has no
membership fees and doesn't plan
on having any in the forseeable
Note: The ability to play darts is
NOT a prerequisite of membership.
Which is why I was accepted
as a member.
Boy, I can't wait 'till next week
when I get to make up this baloney
Ranger accepting
stories, poems
Continued From Page Three
for a particular Thursday issue of
Ranger, it must be submitted the
preceeding Friday.
7) You will retain all rights to
whatever you submit, whether we
print it in the Ranger or not.
8) We may have to edit your
story for punctuation, but we will
call you first. We won't change the
content of what you write.
9) It would be a good idea to
make a photocopy of yo ur story —
we may be able to return your
submission, but it will have marks
on the copy.
10) This is also open to all
Parkside faculty and staff.
The Ranger
Needs Staffers!
6 Thursday, October 21, 1982 RANGER
Burned up
Are cetaceans singing songs to Satan?
by by CCaro arol l Bur Burns ns can provide countless hours of whale noises sound remarkat
Modern - day research tries to
avoid the situation of creating
devils workshops via idle minds.
They have come up with many
very necessary items, including
padded toilet seats, inside - the -
egg scramblers, and gold - plated
toothpicks. One of the branches of
that research is not development
of new products, but the study of
existing elements of life.
Chemists, physicists, and
biologists really get off on that
sort of thing. Examination and
analysis of sewage runoff, soap -
bubble geometry, and living
organisms found in stump water
l C-ftue" s usrn
fl*J CXfENSlvje bo*
op chocolate-";
can provide countless hours of
adventure for them. These people
get especially excited when their
research has a practical aspect.
The recently - ordained
Professor Grisley is an example of
such a person. He's been studying
the sounds of whales for several
years. After traveling the oceans
and making hundreds of tapes,
he's found that those mammals
have a patterned set of noises
which can be likened to a regular
When played at normal speeds,
the sounds whales produce are
eerie. If the speed at which the
tapes are played is increased, the
whale noises sound remarkably
like bird songs.
Professor Grisley was enchanted
with that whole idea until
one day he happened to play a
tape backwards. It was to be the
most startling discovery of his
life. Satanic messages were encoded
in the tapes!
Now we have knowledge of the
true wickedness afoot. This could
prove to be a breakthrough for all
those wishing to purge evil from
the earth. It will give new life to
the "Nuke the Whales" campaign.
Because of their recognizable
intelligence, whales must
naturally be the commandos of
by John Kovalic
the rest of the animal kingdom.
God only knows how long it will be
before they all rise up and take
over the human race.
We have to prepare for this. The
obvious evil in the world must be
stopped. The only answer is to
completely annihilate the animal
We'll show 'em. There can't
possibly be any demons left to
undermine the human race once
the animals are gone. We'll all be
saved, thanks to Professor
Grisley. Who knows, someday he
might even make saint.
Reeves to speak on McCarthy
I FEE-L GIDDr losr
D+iRJKiMCr ftfiour Hec
UILBuR. I Cflu'r trPiT
NEB* I GO SHA^er Fwo
SRefuc our ik) r cold
Some thirty years ago the junior
Senator from the state of
Wisconsin, Joe McCarthy, burst
onto the American scene with an
anti - communist campaign that
polarized the nation and eventually
came to symbolize an entire
Was Joe McCarthy an ardent
defender of all we hold dear or
was he, as most historians have
pictured, "the most wicked of
Thomas Reeves, Professor of
History at the University of
Wisconsin - Parkside, will look at
both sides of the McCarthy
question at the Golden Rondelle
Theater in Racine on Wednesday,
Nov. 3, at 7 p.m.
Reeves is the author of The Life
and Times of Joe McCarthy, a
biography that has been
nationally recognized and acclaimed.
Publishers Weekly said
of the book: "Make no mistake: at
awards time, this excitingly
readable biography will be
remembered . . . This may be as
nearly definitive a biography as
A.multi-image presentation of the marketing and advertising strategies that have catamite
Ml Her Brewing Company from seventh place in the beer industry to second place todav Th
entertaining program is free and open to the public.
u P'ace today. This
Date: October 26th
Time: 2:00 p. m..
Location: Union Cinema
Presented by:
Pi Sigma Epsilon and The
Miller Brewing Company This presentation has
been rescheduled to 2: oo p. m.
we will ever have." Reeves has
appeared on Good Morning
America and on William
Buckley's Firing Line and
recently completed a national tour
for the book.
Reservations for this program
are requested and can be made by
calling 631-2154. There is no admission
charge. The Golden
Rondelle Theater is located in
Racine at the corner of 14th and
Franklin Streets.
"War" to
The band "War" will appear in
concert at Racine's Memorial
Hall tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m.
Admission is $9.50 for advance
tickets, and $12 at the door. In
Kenosha, tickets can be bought at
the Tic Toe Club, 2719 - 60th St.,
and in Racine, tickets can be
purchased at Beautiful Day
Records and Tapes, 422 M&in St.,
and Sound and Video Warehouse
at the Westgate Mall.
10:00 a m - 4.-00 pm
• Jube Jells
• Licorice Bully
• Malted Milk Balls
• Milk Carmels
• Orange Slices
• Peanut Butter Chip
• Peanut Clusters
• Peppermint Kisses
• Rootbeer Barrels
• Sour Balls
• Spearment Leaves
• Starlite Mints
• Carmel Targets
• Cinnamon Discs
• Candy Pops
• Corn Nuts
• Assorted Perky
• Assorted Royal
• Assorted Toffee
• Bridge Mix
• Burndt Peanuts
• Butterscotch Discs
• Candy Coffee Discs
• Carmel Bully
• Chocolate Drops
• Chocolate Jots
• Chocolate Peanuts
• Chocolate Raisins
• Chocolate Stars
• Jelly Beans
• California Mix
• Caribbean Delicacy
• Carob Malted Milk Ball:
• Carob Raisins
• Carob Peanuts
• Natural Pistachio
• Red Pistachio
• Spanish Peanuts
• Sunflower Seeds
• Student Food Mix
• Yogurt Malted Milk Ball
• Yogurt Peanuts
• Yogurt Raisins
• Yogurt Sesame Brittle
Smoked Almonds whole
RANGER Thursday, October 21,1982
Men's Soccer
Rangers improve record
by Pat Hensiak
Parkside's Soccer team is
holding onto this season's winning
tradition. On Wednesday, Oct. 13,
Parkside beat Lake Forest 2-o!
Andy Buchanan and Don Theisen
scored the goals and both were
assisted by Kim Jensen. This is
the first time the Rangers have
come home from Lake Forest
"That was a good win for us,"
commented Coach Hal Henderson.
"We hadn't won there yet,
and they've played a couple of
other rank ball teams. In the long
run, this victory will improve our
Henderson said that part of the
problem the team has had in the
past at Lake Forest has been the
small field. "That's been a
psychological problem for us for
On Saturday, Oct. 16, the
Rangers defeated Northland
scoring a total of 9 goals, and
locking Northland out of scoring
for the entire game. The Rangers
outshot Northland 51-1, with
Northland making 18 saves from
goal, and Parkside making only l
save from goal.
Scorers in the game were Don
Matanowski, 1 goal, Jim Banks, 3
goals, Mike Nowak, l goal, Bob
Newstrom, 1 goal, and Don
Theisen, 3 goals. Jim Banks broke
the individual scoring record for
one season with his goals in this
"This was one team we had to
play," said Coach Henderson.
"They are in the NAIA. So, we
must play them in either a game
during the season or in a tournament
at the end of th e season. I
don't like the idea of playing a
tournament at the end of the
season to decide the national
tournament qualifier. We play
them in the season, so does
Now that the Rangers have
beaten Northland, if they beat
Platteville they will be the district
winners, and qualify for the
Nationals. Currently, the Rangers
rank 10th in the NCAA Division II
standings, and 18th in the NAIA.
IAN HAMILTON manuevers around a Northland player.
Photo by Masood Shafiq
Mejia and Henderson champions
Golf season recaptured
by Robb Luehr
After disappointing finishes in
their first 3 matches, Parkside's
men's golf team pulled itself
together and placed high in the
final 5 meets of the season.
On Sept. 24 - 25, the team went to
the UW - Gr een Bay Invitational,
and scored 822, good fo r 3rd place
out of 1 0 teams. UW - Eau Claire
won the meet with 769. John
Schneider led the way for UW - P
with a score of 161 — (85-76).
The next 2 days, Sept. 26 - 27, the
team was in Oshkosh for the
Mascoutin Collegiate Tournament,
sponsored by UW -
Oshkosh. The golfers continued
their strong play, ending up in a
tie for third place, 27 shots behind
UW - Oshkosh's pace - setting
score of 769. L eading the way for
the Rangers was Bob Sobol,
shooting a 155 — (75 - 80).
The next match of the season
was at Whitewater, Oct. 4. The
results have not been determined
at press time, but Parkside shot
A. A. MEETING: Every Wednesday, Moln
211, between 1 and 2 p. m.
FOR SALE: 1966 Olds Delta 88, good runner,
best offer. 552-9014 evenings and weekends.
TYPING: Neat and accurate. No project is
too large or little. Will edit if requested.
Donna F. Call 633-1794.
ATTENTION SKIERS: Marketing coordinators
needed to promote high quality ski
and beach trips on campus. Earn commission
plus free travel. Call Summit
Tours, 800-325-0439.
anything short essays, reports, research
papers, etc. . . . Rate Charged: $1.00 per
page, Electric typewriter. Call anytime:
WOULD like to share ride to Eau Claire, Wl. 3
students to share expenses, need transportation
from Fri., Nov. 5 • S un., Nov. 7.
Call 639-4195.
criticize true love the most have experienced
love the least.
DR. DREW: Carole is really burned up. You
should know better. We have all resigned as
fans of the club. Better luck later. Have you
gotten dressed? I hope you don't miss the
boat ride again. HAHA. Your Loyal but
somewhat distressed fans.
CAROLE: Dr. Drew is certainly sorry. He
can't help himself.
GOMER: Je taime aussi, U. C.
GOMER PYLE: No Spanish, please. Uncle
a 397 to finish in the middle of 10
teams. On top for Parkside was
John Scheider, who shot a 76.
On Oct. 5, 15 teams descended
on the Brighton Dale Country Club
course for the Parkside Invitational.
Marquette University
won with a score of 391. The
Rangers, led by a strong performance
by Bob Sobol, finished
third scoring 400. Sobol shot a 76,
good for fourth place out of a field
of o ver 90 golfers.
The final, and perhaps biggest
tournament of the season, was the
District 14 Tournament, played
Oct. 10 - 12 at the Watertown
Country Club. The field of 11
teams played 3 rounds of golf to
determine who could advance to
the national finals, to be played
later this month. Only the top
team and top individual may
move on to the finals. UW - Eau
Claire advanced by shooting a total
of 1137. Parkside led by John
Schneider's 230 — (77-77-76),
ended their season by finishing
fourth, with a score of 1201.
Coach Stephens at the beginning
of the season predicted the team
to improve throughout the season.
With most of the team being
returning underclassmen,
Parkside should have something
to be optimistic about.
Champion men's single player
in the intramural tournament was
Frank Mejia of Racine. He
defeated Matt Giovanelli for
second and third place was
captured by Brian Langenbach.
In the women's singles tournament,
champion honors went to
Jody Henderson, Casey Zahalka
took second place and in third was
Margaret Houselander.
This week's game in flag
football proved to be a neck and
neck struggle. The Vikings were
successful in their drive for an
undefeated season downing the
Panzers 20-14. Team captain Jack
Decker ran for each of the three
touchdowns scored by the Viking
team while Anita Ratsch and Cliff
McKenzie crossed the end line for
the Panzers. Standings at the end
of four weeks of play are:
Vikings 2-0
All-Stars 1-2
Panzers 1-2
In this week's contest, the AllStars
will play the Vikings at 4
p.m., Thursday, Oct. 21.
Sign up deadlines occuring this week:
Badminton: Monday, Oct. 25
2 on 2 Basketball: Tuesday, Oct. 26
Volleyball: Thursday, Oct. 28
Other deadlines coming up fast:
Men's Basketball Tournament: Nov. 9, 1982
Turkey Trot: Nov. 18, 1982
See sheets at INFO. Kiosk, Gym of Info desk for more details.
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
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8 Thursday, October 21,1982 RANGER
Tyree participates in 'new' sport Men's Cross Country
Runners back on their feet Renee Tyree is a person with an
exciting interest. Renee is a
Roller Cross Country skier. This is
basically the same as winter
Cross Country except the skier
has rollers on the bottom of the
skis. The skis she uses are like
regular winter Cross Country skis.
They are two and a half feet long,
with three wheels — two in back
and one in front. The bindings and
poles are the same as winter Cross
Country equipment.
Renee is a freshman here at
Parkside, studying Pre - Med. She
is an alumnus of Horlick High
School in Racine. Renee was involved
in Cross Country running
and Track. Regular winter Cross
Country skiing is one of her
favorite sports.
Renee became involved in roller
skiing through a friend. Professor
Wallen also roller skis. She h as
been involved in the sport for
about three months. Although
there is no team here at Parkside,
there are ski clinics here at
Parkside however, so those involved
can improve their skiing
skill. Renee trains for this sport
and competes in Roller Cross
Country ski races. The practices
she sets up for herself vary. It all
depends on how much time is
available and her ambition that
day. She practices on the track at
Horlick or the inner loop at
Parkside. She includes running in
her program to keep in shape.
The races can be run anytime
there isn't snow. The distance of
the races is 10 kilometers. Some
places she has been are Purdue,
Madison and Chicago to compete.
She also competes in winter
Cross Country skiing. There are
not too many girls involved in this
sport on the competitive level. She
does very well, averaging a first
or second place.
Renee will be competing in a
Roller Cross Country meet this
weekend in Madison. Good luck to
you Renee.
Men's Cross Country packed up
this last weekend at their meet in
Madison. The Tom Jones Invitational
yielded a Ninth place
for the Rangers. The Rangers
competed against eleven teams,
four of who are top ranked teams.
UW - Madison hosted the meet and
also won it. The weather was
sunny with the temperatures in
the 40s.
Rich Miller and Jim Miller were
both able to run in this meet. Dan
Stublaski is still sustaining injuries
and was not able to run. The
top three performing Rangers
were: Rich Miller placing 56,
26:04; Tom Barrett 75, 26:23; and
Jim Miller 76, 26:24.
Coach Lucian Rosa commented
that the team is looking forward to
competing in the NCAA
Qualifying meet that will be here
at Parkside on October 30. They
all expect to do well. The next
meet is October 23, this Saturday.
It is being held at Carthage at
11:00 a. m.
Cross country ski clinic at Parkside
The United States Ski Team and
the United States Ski Coaches
Association together with Shaklee
Corporation will be hosting a cross
country training clinic at
Parkside on Saturday, Oct. 23 in
Greenquist Hall 101.
The clinic is open to interested
skiers, parents and coaches with
no memberships required. $4 wil l
be charged per person.
The clinic will be one full day
and utilizes films, slides and
graphics to teach the basics of
technique and training, from the
intermediate skier up through the
very advanced. Beginners can
also benefit tremendously from
the clinic by watching how the
experts ski, and learning more
about the sport in which they are
becoming involved.
Short topics will also cover
coach - athlete relationships and
how to work better together, ski
care, basic physiology and a film
on the philosophy of youth sports,
"Is Winning Everything?"
The clinic is designed to help
bring the most recent and advanced
discoveries about the
sport of cross country skiing to
various locations throughout the
United States.
Two new technique films with
instructional booklets will be used
to teach technique. Training information
will be presented as
simply as possible.
If you are interested in attending
one of the clinics with
your club or by yourself, contact
the following:
Dave Harrison, 998 Lake County
Court, Oconomowoc, WI 53066,
(414) 567-1110; o r
Jim McCarthy, 1366 N . Dearborn,
Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 782-
4567; or
Kai Hansen, President of the
Parkside Nordic Ski Club, 19022 -
58th Road, Union Grove, WI 53182,
(414) 878-2777.
For coaches wishing certification
in the United States Ski
Coaches Association, this clinic
will comprise the Level I certification
program. To become
certified, coaches will have to be
members of the Coaches
Association, do additional reading
after the clinic, and take a written
exam. Coaches working with
junior athletes might be very
interested in the additional
reading material, which is geared
towards helping them become
better coaches even if they do not
wish certification.
The clinics will be run by
Stephen Gaskill, former U.S.
Nordic Combined Coach and
New Cheerleaders
On the evening of Sunday, Oct.
10, the new 1982-83 Parkside
cheerleading squad was selected.
The new squad members are:
Heidi Caldwell, Sharon Kruk,
Carmen Smith, Judy Spek, Portia
Morgan, Lynn Brown, David
Kotke, Mike Stehr. The newly
elected co - captain is Kris Anderson
and captain is Hope
currently nordic technical
director for the U.S. Nordic Ski
Team and the U.S. Ski Coaches
Rollerski relay races beginning at
8:30-9:00 a.m. — Registration
(Greenquist 101)
9:00 a.m. — Introduction (10
The Sport In General (20 min.),
film and short talk
Short break (10 min.)
Technique — diagonal stride -
film and talk (45 min.); double
pole and skating, film and talk (45
min.); downhills (5 min.);
herringbone (5 min.)
12:00-1:30 p.m. Lunch Break
($3.00 per person)
Equipment and Ski Preparation
(45 min.) demonstration and talk
Philosophy of the Sport (45
min.) a film on general sport
philosophy from American
Coaching Effectiveness Program
Short Break (10 min.)
Training for Cross Country (1
hr./15 min.) slide show, talk,
demonstrations, outside practice
by everyone
Discussion of USSCA and
coaches certification (15 min.)
Selling of books and material
from USSCA (15 min.)
5:00 p.m. — Roller Ski Relay
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Socialists look to reassert themselves here
Volume 11, issue 7
Series Number
UWPAC124 Ranger News
Other Media
“The Parkside Ranger, Volume 11, issue 7, October 21, 1982,” University of Wisconsin-Parkside Digital Collections, accessed February 22, 2025,